Max Payne 3 ‘Only’ Sells 440,000 Units in US in Launch Month, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Sells 400,000

Rockstar Games are known for creating some of the best selling games in the industry, which has caused many to be surprised at the relatively poor performance of Max Payne 3.

In NPD figures released earlier today, it was revealed that Max Payne 3 sold (that’s actual sold, not shipped), 440,000 physical copies across all platforms. Steam and other digital platforms weren’t included in the data.

Analyst Michael Pachter was his usual loveable self, merrily commenting on the game’s lackluster sales on Twitter:

So much for the May launch window: Max Payne 3 a flop, according to NPD; can’t believe Rockstar put off releasing GTA to work on that game

Without divulging too much NPD goodness, I can tell you that Max Payne 3 sales were less than 50% of L.A. Noire’s. 8 years in development!

Other analysts speculated the game would sell over 600,000 units in its first month, so sales were below expectations. Another game that underperformed in US retail was Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, which managed just over 400,000 units.

The low sales of the two games was a major contributor to the fact that the console and portable US software sales market contracted by 32% month on month according to analyst group Doug Creutz at Cowen & Company.

Luckily for Take Two, however, the company managed to ship 3 million copies of the game to retailers in its first week.

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