Fox Engine Confirmed For PS3

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Hideo Kojima has confirmed Kojima Production’s Fox Engine for the PlayStation 3.

Speaking to CVG, the Metal Gear Solid creator touted the engine as an “entire toolset” that allows the creation of games “in more efficient ways”.

We can look at objects and gameplay in real time as we are developing, and it saves us spending lots of time making items that we may then decide not to use once they are ready to put in the game. Another area where Fox Engine excels is that it can be used to develop the same game on multiple platforms at once.

Upon being asked the hardware that’s compatible with the technology, Kojima revealed “it’s running on PS3, 360 and current PCs”.

It’s not something out of reach. One thing we paid a lot of attention to is lighting effects, the way light shines through and reflects off different materials, and this is something that couldn’t be done in past generations but can be done with current generation platforms.

Kojima is currently working on his recently revealed new series of games that focuses on human issues.

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