ZombiU Could Release on PS3

Ubisoft has said they’re contemplating releasing Wii U exclusive ZombiU on other consoles following its release on Nintendo’s next-gen platform.

Senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key told IGN:

ZombiU at its core was designed to be a great Wii U game and in order to make that work on other platforms they would have to change a lot of what makes the game cool. And I’m not saying that can’t be done, but not in the next six months, you know?

ZombiU becoming a multi-platform title would only be possible if the French publisher could transfer ‘what makes the game cool’ on to other systems.

There’s definitely going to be knowledge that we gain from developing for Wii U that we’ll be able to transfer not only to SmartGlass technology but also to even the cross-talk on PlayStation 3 and Vita.

The game is expected to release alongside the Wii U’s launch this holiday, so, providing it does come to consoles, expect a 2013 release. ZombiU‘s first gameplay footage is below:

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