Konami Confirms Metal Gear Rising Will be Playable at E3, Reveals Demo Start Screen

Die-hard Metal Gear fans have a lot to look forward to this E3, with Konami and Platinum Games poised to blow the lid off of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance in a big way.

Konami (and Kojima specifically) are known for their epic teasers, especially right around E3. This year they have not only confirmed that Metal Gear Rising will be playable on the show floor, but have also revealed the E3 demo title screen in an effort to get fans salivating for the impending gameplay blowout.

Check it out below.

[springboard type=”youtube” id=”W4lkq8uIg-8″ player=”play020″ width=”685″ height=”415″ ]

Sure, Rising may not offer up the traditional Metal Gear experience that hardcore fans have been crying out for, but man doesn’t that title screen—music and all—get you hyped for the game? Platinum has a pretty solid track record when it comes to action games (Bayonetta, Vanquish) so there’s still plenty of reason to have hope that Revengeance will be a stellar experience.

Just try to overlook the name.

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