New Starhawk Trailer Gives A Behind The Scenes Look At The Creation Of Its Soundtrack

A new trailer has been released for Starhawk that shows how the game’s soundtrack was created.

On the PS Blog, Starhawk score producer Matt Levine posted some thoughts about the creation of Starhawk‘s soundtrack. He said that Lightbox President Dylan Jobe wanted the music for the game to not simulate combat, but rather remind players what they were fighting for.

He praised the soundtrack in some comments as well:

It is rare for so many things to come together on a project, but Starhawk has proven to be a perfect storm for creating a truly inspirational score. With a great story, a visionary developer, a brilliant composer, The Skywalker Symphony Orchestra, and a fantastic collection of soloists, we knew that this score would be something really special.

Chris Lennertz’s score is bursting with character and memorable themes. Lyrical melodies soar through the orchestra, juxtaposed against feral percussion, gritty guitars, ethnic vocals and an eclectic mix of exotic wind instruments, each contributing to a score that is as memorable as it is unique.

Composer Chris Lennertz discusses the process of creating Starhawk‘s soundtrack in the trailer below.

To view the trailer, click on the video below:

Starhawk releases exclusively for the PlayStation 3 on May 8th.

What do you think about the music being created for the game? Let us know in the comments below!

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