If you happen to be one of our fellow gamers in Europe who is currently struggling to play Twisted Metal online, just know that your concerns are being heard, as franchise creator David Jaffe is working on a fix right now.
In a rapidly growing thread on the SCEA forums discussing this issue, a number of European gamers leveled their complaints over the weekend, claiming to be unable to connect online. Naturally fans took to Twitter, asking Jaffe to do something about the problem, to which he replied:
I am hearing this and [am] sorry about it. I will know what is up on Monday.
No clue why SCEE territories are locked out. I’m sorry.
It’s unfortunate to see this happen to so many gamers, especially with such a highly regarded PlayStation 3 exclusive (read our review here). Let’s hope that Sony will be able to resolve these issues quickly so all you car combat fanatics can get back to blowing each other up online.