Assassin’s Creed 3 Aims to Deliver a Character with “More Depth”

There’s a lot of hype being built around Ubisoft’s next major installment in the Assassin’s Creed franchise. With an all new setting and protagonist, there’s a lot to be excited about. In and effort to fuel the fire even more, creative director Alex Hutchinson is building up AC3’s leading man.

Connor, the new protagonist featured in Assassin’s Creed 3 will be even more fleshed out and developed than prior protagonists in the series. According to Hutchinson, talking to OXM, Connor’s background makes for  a much more interesting and deeper character.

Altair is an assassin who’s driven by duty, Ezio is a character driven by revenge. We wanted someone who was fresh. We wanted a character who was more earnest, more real, a character with more depth.

Hutchinson goes on to point out that we’ll get to witness Connor’s growth on a level that outshines prior games in the series, saying, “You will go from his birth, through the motivating factors that drive him to join the Assassins, through the American Revolution and finally to a resolution.”

On top of that, the complex motivations that fuel Connor will provide an interesting point of exploration for gamers, as everything isn’t so cut-and-dry for our hero.

Not only is he trying to help the Assassins defeat the Templars, but he’s trying to save his own people and give them a place in the new America. It’s an endeavour that’s doomed to failure, of course.

Assassin’s Creed 3 is scheduled for release on October 30th, and boy it can’t come soon enough.

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