Rockstar Discusses Multiplayer in GTA V, Social Club to Integrate ‘Crews’ From Max Payne 3

The next major installment in the Grand Theft Auto franchise is still a little ways off, but that hasn’t stopped Rockstar from teasing the game’s online functionality. It looks like the ‘crews’ that players can establish in Max Payne 3’s multiplayer will be transferable to the multiplayer portion of GTA V.

Dan Houser, co-founder of Rockstar revealed that this new functionality will be done through the game’s Social Club integration features. Speaking to IGN, Houser explained:

Multiplayer is an ever-more important part of all our games moving forward. And by creating crews through Social Club, the crews that you create in Max Payne 3 will be ready and available for you to play in Grand Theft Auto V from day one. It’s all part of our larger approach to make multiplayer deeper and richer than what’s currently available, much more easily accessible to the newcomer and rewarding for the hardcore.

We made a promise not to talk too much about forthcoming games until a little further down the track but, yes, crews will feature in Grand Theft Auto V multiplayer.

While we still don’t know exactly what this will look like or how any of it will be implemented, it’s exciting to see Rockstar continue to push the envelope with their biggest franchises. For more information on what to expect from Grand Theft Auto V including future updates, keep it locked to PlayStation LifeStyle.

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