Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Pushed to Summer Release

If you’ve been looking forward to tearing it up with your friends Counter-Strike style over PlayStation Network, it looks like you’re going to have to remain patient just a little bit longer, as Valve has delayed the launch of CS: Global Offensive to the summer.

The game was initially supposed to launch this spring, but it appears as though Valve needs to take a few extra months to really polish it up. The team at Valve is known for creating only top-notch game experiences, and they’ve never pushed a game out before it’s ready, so there’s no doubt that the delay will be well worth the wait.

This news comes after the recent announcement that cross-platform play will no longer be supported for PlayStation 3 owners, as the functionality has now been limited to PC and Mac users.

While this news alongside the recent delay may have soured you on game, you can rest assured that Valve is doing everything they can to make Global Offensive the best experience possible for all platforms.

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