It took eight hours for Double Fine to raise the $400k necessary to develop a new adventure game without the help of a publisher. A few hours later the company had reached $600k, but now they have passed an incredible $1 million – and they still have 33 days of fundraising left.
The Double Fine team are probably F5ing the Kickstarter page right now, between high-fives and bottles of champagne, as the money flow doesn’t show any sign of slowing down, despite the company already having raised over twice that of their target.
The excess money was originally said to be used for bringing the game to other platforms and for localization, but considering the huge amount of extra money, it’ll be interesting to see if Double Fine does anything more interesting with the money. Luckily for them, they might not even need to use the money to make Psychonauts 2, as Minecraft‘s Notch has offered to help fund the game – did Schafer recently find a four leaf clover?
You can contribute to the fund here, and become one of the 26,000+ backers who have helped make this game a reality. The question is, how much money do you think the fund will raise once it’s over? Share your predictions in the comments below.