While it was not perfect, Enslaved was one of the most under-appreciated games of 2010, with plans for further games cut short by poor sales. Developer Ninja Theory managed to survive the weak commercial reception and is now working on DmC, but Lead Designer for the game, Mark Richard Davies, is now part of the team developing PS3 exclusive The Last of Us.
He tweeted:
Okay, so I never worked on Uncharted 3 – I was really doing this: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/vga-2011-the-last-of/724686 Finally I can stop lying!
There are actually quite a few similarities between The Last of Us and Enslaved – both are set in post-apocalyptic worlds where nature has taken over, and both are about two characters (male and female) trying to make their way across what is left of America. Of course, The Last of Us does look a lot darker, and instead of robots, you will fight spore people.
The Last of Us was revealed at the VGAs last night, and was given a debut trailer.