Dust 514 is Massive, “Will Easily be the Biggest Multiplayer FPS on the Market”

The MMO genre has been picking up steam over the past several years, and while we’ve seem some relatively viable attempts to compete with the likes of World of Warcraft, a successful first-person shooter has yet to enter the genre. Developer CCP is confident they can change this fact with Dust 514, delivering the “biggest multiplayer FPS” we’ve ever seen.

Speaking to the EU PS Blog, Brandon Laurino, executive producer at CCP discussed his team’s upcoming game and his excitement for how Dust 514 can revolutionize FPS gaming.

Right off the bat, we have literally thousands of in-game items built into the system; likewise, in terms of scale, you’re looking at a conflict taking place across thousands of planets, so we’re not just talking a dozen maps – we’re talking an entire universe of planets and areas of engagement within them.

That’s the difference in scale we’re looking at here, and taking our experience with Eve Online and also, some inspiration found in the best microtransaction based MMOs, social and mobile games, and we’ve set up our workflow so that we can iterate and add new content very quickly.

In terms of scale, depth and volume of content, Dust 514 will easily be the biggest multiplayer FPS on the market – also by virtue of being an MMOFPS, not just an FPS.

As for why CCP chose to work with Sony instead of another company like Microsoft, Laurino pointed out the PlayStation 3’s rich feature set and Sony’s open attitude toward innovation.

[We were] attracted to the power and the feature set of PlayStation 3.

But it really came down to Sony’s willingness to work with us in bringing an MMO to the platform. There have been attempts to bring MMO games to consoles in the past but we believe we’re now in a position to do it properly, using existing features on PS3 and the PlayStation Network, and collaboratively developing new features to support our vision.

Stay tuned to PlayStation Lifestyle for more information on Dust 514 in the future.

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