Former SAS Operator Andy McNab to Write Battlefield 3 Book

With Call of Duty making more money than a chicken that lays golden eggs, EA are keen to ensure that Battlefield 3 rivals the popularity of Activision’s smash hit series. Along with a release date that’s just before MW3, and a huge marketing budget, EA have announced a book written by Andy McNab based on the game.

Andy McNab, who co-wrote the best-selling Bravo Two Zero, was the British Army’s most highly decorated serving soldier when he left the SAS in 1993 and has sold over thirty million books worldwide.

Co-written by Peter Grimsdale, Battlefield 3: The Russian tells the back-story of RU Special Forces operator Dima, one of the characters in Battlefield 3, and will be released alongside the game on October 25th.

Andy McNab said:

It is impossible for any single medium to fully capture the emotion and intensity of war. The Battlefield 3: The Russian novel is one window into the experience, and the game is another. They complement each other perfectly. Working with DICE has been a fantastic ride. Battlefield 3 is going to surprise people this autumn. The story, the characters, the world and the intense action come together to create a resonant, memorable experience.

McNab is also working with DICE so that the game captures the gritty hardship of real warfare.

Battlefield 3 won’t be the only game to have a novel that launches alongside it this year, with Techland recently revealing that Dead Island would also have a book accompany it.

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