Yesterday, MusterBuster, SCEE’s community manager, revealed his “huge announcement” – PlayStation Beta Rooms, an event where the PlayStation community could get a chance to play some of the biggest upcoming games, including Killzone 3, Motorstorm Apocalypse and GT5. Entry to the event, which is held in Birmingham, UK, is understandably limited, due to the demand for the games, but PlayStation LifeStyle will be giving one lucky gamer the chance to go to the Beta Room.
The first ever PlayStation BETA event in Birmingham will play host to: The Fight Move Edition, Kung Fu Rider, Sports Champions, Killzone 3 Dualshock, Motorstorm Apocalypse, GT5, Dead Nation, Eat Them and Heavy Rain Move Edition.
To go to the event, you will require photographic ID. Due to the PEGI age restrictions on the titles on show SCEE has to restrict admissions to those who are 16+ only. You will also not be allowed to access 18+ titles without proof of ID.
When and where:
You will be entitled to go to the event on Friday 30th July from 6pm- 10pm.
The event will take place in Birmingham, UK.
How to enter:
Simply leave a comment below, telling us why you would like to go the Beta Room, using a valid email in your PSLS profile. You will be notified by email. You must be a UK resident who is 16 or over, with proof of ID.
Competition closes Friday 23rd July at 11:59 PM. We reserve the right to change any terms of the competition at any point. Good luck!
TheDon has won a trip to the PlayStation Beta Room, congratulations!!!