PS Stars points nerf

PS Stars Points Apparently Nerfed Even Further

When Sony recently announced that it was nerfing PS Stars points, players speculated that the loyalty program was either “too” successful to be considered sustainable, or players discovered a loophole of some sort that Sony was looking to plug. I instantly dismissed those suggestions as conspiracy theories, but after seeing a new campaign that rewards points, I’m starting to think that might be true.

Sony may have halved PS Stars points earned from some campaigns

Earlier today, a player pointed out that Sony added a new PS Stars campaign for partaking in PlayStation Tournaments. The reward? Only 25 points — just half of the standard 50 points that campaigns typically come with. I double-checked my app, and yep, it’s there: a campaign worth just 25 points.

To put this into perspective, Sony no longer considers PS Plus subscription purchases/renewals eligible to earn points, players now only have 12 months to keep their hard-earned points, and those without a PS Plus subscription earn NO points from purchases regardless of how much they splash on the PS Store. Ouch!

PS Stars points nerf
Image: PlayStation LifeStyle

Sony had something good going with PS Stars, but seems intent on making a botch of it. No surprise, then, that the PS Store rewards section remains empty. The wallet funds are practically a carrot dangling in front of players at this point as a good chunk of members will now barely manage to unlock digital collectibles.

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