Ghost of Tsushima update

Ghost of Tsushima’s First Update in Over a Year Broke the Game (Updated)

Update: The issue is now resolved.

Original story:

Ghost of Tsushima update 2.19 rolled out earlier today on the PS5, the patch notes for which revolve around Legends multiplayer mode. However, one unintended consequence of the update is that it broke the single-player mode for a number of players.

Ghost of Tsushima update 2.19 patch notes and issues

According to Sucker Punch Productions, the patch was rolled out to add support for cross-play between PS5 and PC ahead of the PC version‘s launch. The patch notes are as follows:

  • Added initial support for cross-play services for the upcoming PC release on May 16th.
  • An XP issue at rank 999 in Legends was corrected.
  • An exploit allowing an extra player on two-person teams has been removed.
  • Additional fixes.

Sucker Punch didn’t say what the “additional” fixes were, but players were quick to point out that Ghost of Tsushima’s single-player mode is now freezing and pausing every minute or so, rendering the game almost unplayable. The good news is that Sucker Punch Productions has taken note of the widespread complaints and has reassured players that it’s looking into the issue.

Some players have said that they are also experiencing a general lag in both the single-player and Legends modes. Here’s hoping this is all fixed soon.

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