Episode 3 of The Last of Us HBO TV series features an Easter egg referencing Mortal Kombat. Partway through the episode, Ellie stumbles across a Mortal Kombat II arcade cabinet.
The Last of Us Mortal Kombat Easter egg

The Last of Us Mortal Kombat II Easter egg is tough to miss, as the arcade cabinet is shown from multiple angles and Ellie even discusses the game with Joel.
You ever played this one? I had a friend who knew everything about this game. There is this one character named Mileena who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth, and then she swallows you whole and barfs out your bones.
The “friend” that Ellie is referring to is most likely Riley. If it’s anything like the game, expect to see Mortal Kombat pop up again during a flashback to when Ellie and Riley were together in the abandoned mall.
Mortal Kombat has taken the place of “The Turning,” which in The Last of Us games was a fighting game not-so-subtly inspired by Mortal Kombat. It featured a character called “Angel Knives” whose finisher had her punch a hole through her enemy before decapitating them.
Good news for fans of the show, as The Last of Us HBO has had its second season confirmed. For those who haven’t yet seen episode 1, it’s now available to watch on YouTube for free.