Nude FL4K

Nude FL4K Exposed by Official Borderlands 3 Twitter Account

The official Twitter account for Gearbox Software and 2K Games’ latest cel-shaded shooter has shared a rather revealing look at one of the game’s four playable Vault Hunters. Posting a piece of concept art (created by Max Davenport) that was utilized as a reference during the creation of the title, its rendition of a nude FL4K has got the Borderlands 3 community talking.

While some are disappointed that FL4K the Beastmaster is way skinnier than they imagined, due in no small part to the heavy padded jacket they conventionally wear, others are pondering the appropriate gender pronouns to apply to the character. Of course, being a robot, FL4K is genderless, but many say they can’t help but interpret the Vault Hunter as male due to being voiced by actor SungWon Cho.

Regardless, this very literal unveiling seemingly puts to bed a popular fan theory that FL4K is, in fact, the Loader Bot from Telltale Games’ Tales from the Borderlands episodic series. Now we know that doesn’t appear to be the case unless some serious remodeling has taken place, but the tweet itself (below) does still make reference to FL4K’s “mysterious past.”

What exactly that mystery entails yet remains to be seen, though alluding to it at all might suggest that curious players will eventually be satiated with an answer, perhaps through the release of future DLC. Until that time comes, internet sleuths are sure to be looking over FL4K’s exposed circuitry with a fine-toothed comb in hopes of uncovering more immediate answers.

Hopefully, the Borderlands 3 social media team will continue to share more concept artwork in order to offer fans some intriguing bonus insights into the creation of the looter-shooter and its characters. You probably shouldn’t hold your breath in hopes of getting naked renders for any of the other Vault Hunters, though.

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