Now that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is available as a PS Plus game, you might be thinking about jumping into the multiplayer mode. Modern Warfare Remastered has been around for a few years and the original released back in 2007, so it’s understandable why jumping in for the first time could be intimidating. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of useful tips that you can use to emerge victorious on the battlefield.
Modern Warfare Remastered is relatively simple: There are no ever-changing maps, loot drops, or complicated Killstreaks to choose from. It’s simply you, a set of perks, and your weapons. Because of its simplicity, it’s an accessible game that will likely attract a ton of new players now that it’s available with PS Plus.
Despite how fast and arcade-like Modern Warfare Remastered feels, there are a lot of nuances and intricacies that will probably not be as apparent at first. There are many things you can do to stay alive, aside from just sitting behind a bush and hoping someone runs by.
It’s important to be aware of your surroundings, find a weapon that works for each map, and get comfortable with the way the game feels. Online multiplayer games have changed a lot since this one came out, so this might take some getting used to when you first start. This is especially true if you didn’t grow up with this style of game.
Whether you’re completely new to the game, or just need a refresher, you should get something out of this list. There are tips for everyone, from beginner players to more advanced players, and even ones who have been playing for years. I’ve put hundreds of hours into the multiplayer mode and I *still* find new things when I play.
Let us know if you think of any other helpful things and good luck! Also, don’t forget to download The Witness, as it’s also a PS Plus game during March. Don’t forget to keep your eyes open too, as the timing of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered might not be a coincidence! There are reports of Modern Warfare 2 Remastered releasing in 2019, and this could be target practice.
Modern Warfare Remastered Multiplayer Tips
Adjust Your Sensitivity and Button Layout
As soon as you start playing, you'll know if the sensitivity is to your liking. If you find that you're having trouble lining up on an enemy, you might want to experiment with different sensitivity settings.
I tend to stick to sensitivity 6, but that might not work for you. The game defaults at around 3, so just play with it till it feels right.
The same goes for the button layout. Many skilled players use the Tactical setting, in which the crouch/prone button is swapped with the melee button, making it easier to land a "Drop-Shot" on an enemy.
If you melee a lot, you might want to just stick to the default setting. With my play style, I hardly ever melee, so it makes more sense to use the Tactical layout.
Try each one and see which works best for you.
Use a Weapon/Loadout that Works For the Map You're On
This is sort of a given, but depending on your play style and skill level, you might not know when to use certain weapons.
If you've put enough time in the game, it's totally feasible to use any weapon at any time. But for new players, it may not make as much sense to use a sniper rifle on the Shipment map or a sub-machine gun on the Countdown map.
Again, you can use any weapon at any time, but when you first start out, it's a good idea to get a sense of how you play on each map and use a weapon that corresponds to that play style.
The same goes for perks. If you're on a map that you haven't mastered, it might be a good idea to use the UAV Jammer perk, since the enemy might be killing you a lot, resulting in more UAVs for them.
Find the Good Spots
This tip is a little more advanced, but once you feel comfortable, you should look into locations. Each map has a variety of good spots and, depending on the game mode, you might want to look into them sooner rather than later.
In the image above, I was using a more common long range spot on the Ambush map. This spot is fantastic, because I can use it to oversee the entire left side of the map.
If you jump on the little platform just ahead, you can see the *entire* side of the map, so it's a great spot for long range weapons.
There are spots like these all over the place, so figure out how you play and use those spots to your advantage. Pay attention to where enemies kill you from and look up YouTube videos if needed.
Use the Kill-Cam to Your Advantage
This tip is twofold. For one, yes, you should be using the Kill-Cam to find out where enemies are, which spots they're using, and how they use their weapon.
But also, and more importantly, you should learn how to get kills in such a way that won't give away your position when your enemy watches their Kill-Cam.
For example, if you're a sniper and you take out an enemy, they're going to find out exactly where you are once they watch their Kill-Cam.
But if you stay scoped for a couple seconds after you kill the enemy, that's what will appear in the Kill-Cam, so they won't have as much reference since your mini-map won't appear while you're scoped in.
Likewise, if you're a fast run-and-gunner, you might want to move to a completely new area after you get a kill, because the enemy will probably be expecting you to be around the same general area, based on the Kill-Cam footage.
Know When to Hip-Fire Instead of Aiming Down Sights
Knowing when to hip-fire is something that takes time. You probably don't want to be aiming down sights if an enemy is right in front of you.
By the same token, you don't want to be hip-firing across the map, because you likely won't get any kills.
The latter is more obvious, but many times, firing from the hip when an enemy is close by is the way to go because it's faster.
If you aim down sights when someone is right in front of you, it could cost you, so take note of the weapon you're using and how comfortable you are with hip-firing.
Play for the Objective
Knowing what the objective is and how to work towards it is important. I can't tell you the amount of games I've lost because my team was playing Search and Destroy like it was a Team Deathmatch.
Most of the community plays Team Deathmatch, but if you're in one of the other game modes, please be aware of what the objective is and adjust your play style accordingly.
Sure, getting kills helps, but if you're prioritizing kills over the objective in a game mode like Domination, you could still lose.
Be Aware of Your Teammates
Knowing where your teammates are is almost as valuable as knowing where the enemies are.
You can use your teammates as a resource to find enemies sometimes. For example, if a teammate that's behind you gets killed, you should check the kill tracker on the left side of the screen to see how they died.
If it's via a sniper, you might not have to be as cautious. But if it's with a handgun or sub-machine gun, you might want to turn around and check things out, because the enemy could be closer than you thought.
Likewise, if you see all your teammates in one area without getting any kills, it's likely that the enemy is in a totally different area.
Use Sound to Your Advantage
Using sound is another advanced technique, but even being aware of it in louder modes like Team Deathmatch can be useful.
If you want an advantage, you can play with surround sound headphones that can help you pinpoint where an enemy is. If you combine that with the Dead Silence perk, you'll be as silent as a ninja.
Again, use the map to your advantage to distinguish between enemy footsteps and the sounds of your teammates.
If you're playing Search and Destroy, using headphones and Dead Silence is a must.
Knowing Where to be is Just as Important as Knowing How to Shoot
It might be tough to know where to position yourself, because you have a lot of things to analyze in a short period of time.
For example, if you just acquired an Airstrike Killstreak and aren't sure where to place it, look at where your team is.
You might think to place it opposite of them, which isn't a bad idea, but if you just saw an enemy get several kills in a row and see the skulls indicating teammate deaths on your map, it might be a better idea to place the Airstrike near where those deaths occurred to try taking out that enemy.
It all depends. If your squad just ran to the opposite end of the map and wiped out the entire enemy team, the enemies will now likely spawn behind you, so you should be aware.
The key is to look at the kill tracker and see who is dying, when, and by which weapon. You should use this to have a better idea of where to position yourself.
Learn the Maps
Probably the most important tip is to learn the lay of the land by studying the maps. You could be the most pinpoint accurate player on the planet, but if you don't know the map, you won't do as well as you could.
Having accurate aim is important, but a bad player can get the drop on you simply by knowing the map better than you do.
The fastest way to learn is to play private matches and use them to just run around and explore. If you don't care about dying over and over, you can simply just play public games till you're comfortable.
There are a ton of nuances and paths that you may not know of, so start exploring, watch other players, and use them to discover new areas that will help you learn the layouts of all the maps.