PlayStation Vita production in Japan has officially wrapped, according to product pages on PlayStation’s Japanese website. Gematsu reported the news, noting that Japan’s two remaining SKUs of the device, PCH-2000 ZA11 (Black) and PCH-2000 ZA23 (Aqua Blue), are both listed with tags reading, “shipments ended.” This is unfortunate news, indeed, though Sony has been transparent about production coming to an end for months.
In late 2018, SIE Vice President Hiroyuki Oda said PS Vita production would halt sometime in 2019. Just recently, product pages on PlayStation’s Japanese site revealed production was scheduled to end over the coming months. Yet, despite the writing on the wall, the time has come and gone a bit sooner than many would have imagined.
The PS Vita hit store shelves in Japan in December 2011, months ahead of the Western launch in February 2012. An interesting handheld packing plenty of power for the time, the Vita failed to garner much success. Its rather impressive launch library, which included Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Wipeout 2048, wasn’t enough to hold widespread interest in the months and years that followed. This especially holds true when considering the narrative around the device was that it lacked noteworthy titles, despite evidence to the contrary. Pair this with overpriced memory cards and Sony’s steadily waning support, and the Vita never really had much a chance to make a mark.
PlayStation Vita’s death knell may have long ago been rung, but Vita owners still have things to look forward to. For one, Devious Dungeon 2 is expected to launch on the device “soon.” Plus, firmware updates go live here and there. We’ll have to wait and see if and when such updates will end.
[Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment (1), (2) via Gematsu]
10 Cross Buy Vita Games Best Played On Vita
10 Cross Buy Vita Games Best Played On Vita
10. Dead Nation
Dead Nation was first released on the PlayStation 3 back in 2010. It was later released in March and April of 2014 on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita respectively.
While a lot of people were critical that the game didn't play as well on the Vita as it does on the PS3/PS4, I didn't find that to be the case at all. This could have a lot to do with the fact that I am in love with the analog sticks on the Vita, and the controls are heavily based around them.
Check out our review here!
9. Motorstorm RC
Motorstorm RC was released back in 2010 and was one of the first games released under the Cross-Buy system.
Unlike the Motorstorm games on the PlayStation 3, Motorstorm RC employed a top-down camera that was more like the Micro Machines games on the original PlayStation.
Because of the use of the analog sticks for steering and acceleration, I always enjoyed playing this more on the Vita than on the PS3. That coupled with the short races, making it a great pick up and play game.
Check out our review here!
8. Sound Shapes
Sound Shapes is a game that doesn't come along very often. On the surface its an average side-scrolling platformer. But when you add in the musical elements, it becomes something special.
I can't really say much about it because its such a visual experience that you need to play it to experience it for yourself. And on the Vita, the addition of using the touch screen and rear touch pad when creating and sharing new levels with your friends makes it a must play on Sony's handheld!
Check out our review here!
7. Spelunky
Spelunky is an action adventure game with a simple premise; explore caves and gather treasure. Its fun, charming and super addictive.
The game should be played on the Vita due to the simplistic pick up and play nature of the game, and it just seems like a game that was made for the handheld.
Check out our review here!
6. Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate
Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate is one of many Pixeljunk games released exclusively on PlayStation platforms. The key thing about the series is that each game in the series is different from the last making the only similarity between the games that they have Pixeljunk in the title.
Shooter Ultimate is a top down space shooter where you must save scientists, collect treasure and make your way through varied and awesome levels using different types of weapons from standard blasters to fire to ice.
The game looks super sharp on the Vita's OLED screen, and is very accessible so it can be picked up for a few minutes, or a few hours depending on how you want to play!
5. PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale didn't exactly receive the warmest critical reception when it was released. This was mostly due to the inevitable comparisons drawn between it and Nintendo's super popular and long running franchise; Super Smash Bros.
While All-Stars could never come close to matching Super Smash Bros (at least in its first incarnation), it put up a valiant fight and gave people who only play on PlayStation a somewhat viable alternative.
I for one, found the game to be a blast, even if it doesn't come close to the greatness of Smash, and its made even better by the pick up and play nature of the Vita. I've spent many a bus or train journey beating my favourite video game characters into submission!
And All-Stars has a Big Daddy, which Smash does not!
Check out our review here!
4. Resogun
Resogun was first released on PlayStation 4 on launch day. It was also free to PlayStation Plus subscribers from day one. And it still stands tall as the best launch title the PS4 had, in this humble writers opinion.
It was released for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita in December of 2014 and was made free as a cross-buy title for those who owned the PS4 version (so everyone who got a PS4 at launch?).
Because one of the most touted features when the PS4 launched was Remote Play, I spent a lot of time playing Resogun on the Vita using this feature. So when it launched officially on the console, it gave me an excuse to jump right back into it!
Check out our review here!
3. Guacamelee
Guacamelee was originally released in mid-2013 for the PlayStation 3 and Vita as a cross-buy title. It has since been released on every console bar the Nintendo DS handhelds.
It is a side-scrolling action adventure game that sees you assume the role of a luchador out to save El Presidente's daughter from an evil spirit named Calaca.
The game doesn't have any Vita specific features, and isn't a pick up and play title, but it's hard to deny the charm of playing a game this pretty on a handheld, at least I can't!
Check out our review here!
2. Rogue Legacy
Rogue Legacy is a throwback to a time when games were simpler. At least upon first glance. When you first start, it seems like a modern take on Ghouls and Ghosts, what with the armoured hero, the forest, the castle, and the general aesthetic and gameplay. And then you die.
When you die, you are forced to choose a descendant from a list of a few possible candidates, each of which has their own traits, and specific class. Then when you re-enter the castle, the entire layout has changed, as the design is randomly generated, from the layout to the items and the enemies.
The experience is best on the Vita due to the pick up and play nature (a common theme in this list no?) of the game, and that the visuals are that much sharper on the Vita screen.
Check out our review here!
1. Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami is a game that has a very singular purpose, violence! While this may seem like a sophomoric idea to build a game around in this day and age, I defy you to find a more addictive game that you can just pick up and play for a few minutes at a time. Even though you'll NEVER just play for a few minutes.
It's this pick up and play nature that makes it best played on the Vita. It's also worth noting that the old school visuals look a little bit sharper on the Vita due to the smaller screen size.
Check out our review here!