Treyarch has rolled out a new Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 update, which includes some Black Market progression tweaks to address players’ complaints about loot boxes, aka Reserve Crates.
Reserve Crates can now be earned again after Tier 100 in the Contrabrand system. Additionally, the rate at which players can earn them through playing the game has been doubled.
As part of the update, Reserve Crates have been retroactively awarded to players who made it past Tier 100 for every additional Tier completed prior to this patch.
Complete list of patch notes is as follows:
Hot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit added as the Featured Playlist on PS4.
3 new vehicles added: SUV, PBR, and Muscle Car, as well as police variants of the helicopter and ATV.
New vehicles have special abilities to give players a competitive advantage at the risk of greater exposure.
Muscle Cars have the ability to spot nearby Supply Stashes and Supply Drops.
Police vehicles have built-in Sensor Dart functionality when their police sirens are activated, as well as the ability to detect enemy-occupied Muscle Cars.
Supply Stashes and Supply Drops occur more frequently than normal.
Players respawn with each circle collapse as long as one teammate is still alive when the next Collapse occurs. Respawns are disabled at the final Collapse.
Last team standing wins the game.
Addressed an issue where the “Battle Hardened” Calling Card would lock after Prestiging.
Black Market
Progression System Updates
Reserve Cases earnable at every Tier after 100 in the Contraband stream.
Daily Tier Skips apply to Tiers after the 100-Tier mark through play in all modes.
Earn rate increased 2X for Reserve Cases through gameplay time.
Cases retroactively awarded to players who progressed past Tier 100 before today’s update for every additional Tier completed.
Players continue to earn Cases at all times in addition to unlocking Contraband Tiers through gameplay time.
Improved the reticle transition while aiming down sights with the Sparrow.
Game Modes
One in the Chamber
Time limit will now reduce to 60 seconds if only 2 players are left, unless time limit is already under 60 seconds.
Cleaned up UI elements that aren’t used in One in the Chamber from the HUD.
Closed exploits on Casino that would allow players to get outside of the map.
World League Hub
League Play
Parties will no longer disband after completing League Play matches.
Additional “MKII” Weapon Support
Added support for new “MKII” weapons in Zombies (Swat RFT, Daemon 3XB, KAP 45).
Death-Con Five
Addressed and issue that could cause players to experience a progression break if they downed themselves in Round 6.
Addressed an issue that prevented players from earning Weapon XP or camo progress after using a Prestige Token to unlock a weapon.
Various stability fixes
For more on Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, check out our hub.
[Source: Reddit]
Black Ops 4 February 2019
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4