Sony’s PlayStation Mid-Year Sale is in the rear view, but that doesn’t mean the deals are stopping. Tuesday is here again, which means that even more PS4, PSVR, PS3, and Vita games are getting deals on the PlayStation Store. Of note, No Man’s Sky has a pretty great sale price with the massive NEXT update releasing today. Here are the games available through the PlayStation Store sales this week.
All discounts listed are the sales prices without PS+, with Plus pricing listed in the parenthesis where applicable.
The PlayStation Store might still be updating with new deals. We will update this post if new games get added.
All Deals
PS4 Games
- Brawlout $17.99
- Deluxe Edition $26.99
- Candle: The Power of the Flame $17.99 ($16.99)
- Chasm $17.99 ($15.99)
- Darksiders III Digital Deluxe Edition $70.39
- Blades and Whip Edition $89.99
- Dead Cells $19.99
- Destiny 2 + Expansion Pass $19.79
- Devious Dungeon $6.39 ($5.99)
- Dragooned $4.99
- Epic Adventure Bundle $25.49 (0.99)
- Fire Pro Wrestling World $44.99
- Deluxe Edition $80.99
- Grand Theft Auto V $19.79
- +Great White Shark Cash Card $32.99
- Premium Online Edition $32.99
- +Great White Shark Cash Card $39.43
- +Megaladon Shark Cash Card $79.19
- +Whale Shark Card $54.55
- Hello Neighbor $26.99
- Laws of Machine $3.59
- No Man’s Sky $29.99 ($26.99)
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir $23.99
- One More Dungeon $5.99 ($5.59)
- Pizza Titan Ultra $11.99
- R.B.I. Baseball $20.99
- Royal Collection $6.49 ($3.89)
- Screencheat $5.09
- Shenmue I & II $26.99
- Slime Rancher $17.99
- Super Mega Baseball 2 Leadoff Bundle $37.34
- Sword of Fortress the Onomuzim $16.99 ($13.99)
- TERA: Swimsuit Trio Pack $4.99
- The Swords of Ditto $13.39
- Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands $19.79
- Deluxe Edition $23.09
- Gold Edition $32.99
- VR Invaders/Skyforge 6000 Argents Bundle $14.99
PS Vita Games
- Devious Dungeon $6.39 ($5.99)
- Dragooned $4.99
- Maliya $2.39 ($1.49)
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir $15.99
- One More Dungeon $5.99 ($5.59)
PS3 Games
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir $19.99
PS4 Add-Ons
- Dead or Alive 5
- Last Round Story Mode $9.79 ($8.39)
- Core Fighters 30 Character Set $21.69 ($18.59)
- Ultimate Content Set $55.79 ($46.49)
- Grand Theft Auto V Megaladon Shark Cash Card $84.99
- Redout
- Back to Earth Pack $5.99 ($3.99)
- Mars Pack $4.19 ($2.79)
- Space Exploration Pack $5.99 ($3.99)
- TERA: Swimsuit Trio Pack $4.99
- Trove
- Amperium Dragon Pack $37.49
- Botanical Blaster $2.99
- Double Dragon Pack $5.99
- Dynomighty Miner $2.99
- Eclipse Pack $5.99
- Mega Menagerie Pack $8.99
- Resistor Dragon Pack $37.49
- Vanguardian Super Pack $37.49
You can purchase any of these games or add-ons over on the PlayStation Store sales page. There are also themes and avatars on sale.
Reminder: You can now download the free PlayStation Plus games for July.
What PS4 deals are you picking up during this week’s PlayStation Store Sales? Let us know in the comments below, and feel free to mention if there are any deals we may have missed or if you find any errors. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but mistakes do happen when you’re dealing with dozens, if not hundreds of deals.
Essential Reading
- Now Loading: Games You Would Defend to the End
- Now Loading: The Hyped Game or Series You Can’t Stand
- Five Live-Action Video Game Short Films We’d Pay to See
When is Next Gen July 2018
When Will We See the Xbox Two and PS5?
We're nearly five years into this console generation and people are itching to know what's coming next from Sony and Microsoft, but when will we see our first glimpse of next-gen hardware?
Don't Expect Next Gen Reveals at Trade Shows
Next-gen console reveals are far too big to be relegated to trade shows and expos. If Sony and Microsoft are going to reveal new consoles, it's going to be on their own terms. Don't expect gamescom, E3, or any other big gaming shows to host the reveal of next gen.
Consider the Mid-Gen Upgrades
With the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, Sony and Microsoft changed how console generations work. We can't expect the next full console iteration to follow any expected patterns because they've already changed the game.
It's Still Too Soon
At the absolute earliest, the next generation of consoles won't be here until 2019, but the PlayStation 4 is really hitting its stride and Microsoft seems to have some tricks up their sleeve for the Xbox One (and One X). Why would they abandon the hardware and move on right now? We've got until at least 2020, if not further out before we see the transition.
Sony Has More to Lose
Sony controls a dominant portion of the home console market share, beating the Xbox by nearly 2:1. If they don't carefully control the conversation around the generational shift, it's a long way to fall from the top. Sony won't want to move too soon, especially when the very successful PS4 is still selling well and seeing amazing game releases.
Microsoft Might Show First
Bringing up the rear end of the market share means Microsoft has more reason to reveal and release first. If we're to see either console earlier, it would be Microsoft revealing it's unique plans for how it plans to change the video game console landscape going forward.
A Different Kind of Console Beast
The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Two generation is set to change what we think of as traditional consoles moving forward. These two will be less competitors, and more each serving to fill a particular role. We'll see more iterative hardware rather than cut-and-dry new standalone consoles, and that's going to impact reveals and releases moving forward.
More Than Just Graphics
If the Xbox One X taught us anything, it's that sheer power isn't enough to sell a console. Sony has the games, and even on less powerful hardware, fans are flocking to great exclusives. There's no reason to move into a new generation of hardware until that hardware has some distinct selling points over the current PS4s that fans are happy with. That's why we're unlikely to see a new generation of hardware until it can do something notably more than just higher resolutions and better frame rates.
Foresight is 2020
I'd be legitimately surprised if we saw any full next generation reveals before 2020. There's still a lot that Sony and Microsoft can squeeze out of their current consoles before revealing what the future of video games looks like. That's a conversation we won't be having for another two years at least.