Dragon Ball FighterZ update 1.07 patch notes

Read the Dragon Ball FighterZ Update 1.07 Patch Notes

Two Dragon Ball FighterZ updates were just released! Both 1.06 and 1.07 were put out tonight for Arc System Works’ latest fighting game. The former is to ensure compatibility for the new DLC, while the latter improves “game performance and ability.”

Check out the Dragon Ball FighterZ update 1.07 and 1.06 patch notes below:

Dragon Ball FighterZ update 1.07

  • Improved game performance and stability.

Dragon Ball FighterZ update 1.06

  • Added data for Dragon Ball FighterZ – Bardock downloadable content. Note: Must be purchased and downloaded separately.
  • Added data for Dragon Ball FighterZ – Broly downloadable content. Note: Must be purchased and downloaded separately.
  • Added data for Dragon Ball FighterZ – Commentator Voice Pack downloadable content. Note: Must be purchased and downloaded separately.

For even more on the 2D fighting game, check out our Dragon Ball FighterZ review. Here’s a snippet of what our reviewer had to say:

FighterZ also includes a simplistic Arcade Mode that sees you doing battle against increasingly difficult teams of AI. Your results effect the path you take on the mode’s grid, moving to higher or lower difficulty routes after each match. As fun as the mode is, my only issue concerns the consistency of the challenge. I would almost defeat an opponent in one instance to then be pummeled by them in the ensuing rematch and the same goes for the somewhat inconsistent difficulty spikes between rounds. Throughout all the game modes, you’ll be earning Zeni which can be used to purchase Z Capsule packs that include cosmetic items like additional lobby characters and title cards.

If you’re looking for a fighter, there is simply nothing better on the market than Dragon Ball FighterZ in terms of what it offers as a 2D, high action brawler. If you don’t see yourself sinking a lot of time into the game, it still might be worth it down the line just to appreciate the level of detail and care that the developers at Arc System Works have so painstakingly put into this project. Regardless, Dragon Ball FighterZ is a worthy addition to the anime’s long-running line of fighter adaptations.

Dragon Ball FighterZ update 1.07 is available now.

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