Read the Call of Duty WW2 Update 1.11 Patch Notes

Read the Call of Duty: WWII Update 1.11 Patch Notes

Call of Duty: WWII update 1.11 is now available to download. The patch adds in the Shamrock & Awe community event to multiplayer and zombies, and adds in a bunch of new content. It’s a huge update for the first-person shooter!

Check out the Call of Duty: WWII update 1.11 patch notes:


  • Updates to loot system: More details here.
  • Operation: Shamrock & Awe Community Event in MP and Zombies
  • New content (weapons, camos, uniforms, charms, reticles, etc)
  • Shipment 1944 (available Season Pass holders today, and for free for non-Season Pass holders starting March 16th)
  • Prop Hunt on DLC maps


Connectivity/Spawns/Performance/Split Screen/Mechanics

  • Fixed issue in Hardcore where players were able to rejoin a match from which they were just kicked
  • Fixed issue where Player 2 in split screen on a guest account was being kicked to Local Play when creating first loadout Offline
  • Fixed issue where players were crashing when equipping Scorestreaks
  • Fixed issue where players crash after accepting invites to a public War match
  • Fixed issue where matches were not starting properly from Featured playlists
  • Fixed loss of functionality issue when players return to MP Menu after completing match in Local Play


  • Fixed map exploits on Gustav Cannon and Occupation
  • Fixed error when loading into a Custom TDM match on Anthropoid

Party System/HQ

  • Fixed issue where upon opening supply drops from the Options menu while in HQ, players would sometimes be transported to another part of HQ
  • Fixed issue where players were unable to abandon Orders when in Major Howard’s menu


  • Various UI fixes and improvements (split screen, text descriptions, in-game store, menu tabs, Firing Range, missing/incorrect icons, Division slots, Soldier stats, widgets, text overlap)
  • Fixed issue where “My Emblems” tab was not informing players of how many emblem slots they had left
  • Fixed issue where green star notification in the Dossier menu was not disappearing for Calling Cards section


  • Fixed issue where players would hear the sound of a truck driving when loading into HQ


  • Fixed issue where unlocking new Scorestreaks also equips them when players have three already equipped
  • Fixed issue where players were able to reload the Combat Shotgun past the max amount of ammo
  • Fixed explosive scorestreaks behavior underwater
  • Nerfed the Volkssturmgewehr (Increased recoil and decreased damage range to be more on par with other rifles in its class)


  • Pushed through some fixes for issue where players were losing MMR
  • Fixed issue where when Player 1 (party leader) leaves a lobby, Player 2 will not be automatically pulled out with Player 1
  • Various UI fixes and improvements (icons, menu tabs)
  • Fixed issue where when one player is kicked for inactivity, remaining players were also kicked


  • Fixed issues with lobby placement
  • Fixed UI issues with Soldier tab and MLG Divisions
  • Fixed issue where Team two (Axis)’s objective colors were not updating properly
  • Fixed issue where some restricted items were still able to be equipped


  • Various UI fixes and improvements (menu displays, description text, weapon personalization, text overlap, unlock requirements)
  • Fixed issue in TDS where some players who were revived were teleported out of playable area
  • Fixed issue where upgraded camo was not displaying for various weapons
  • Fixed issues with Wüstling and other zombies pathing and behavior
  • Fixed functionality issues with 9mm SAP
  • Fixed issues with upgrading the Ripsaw
  • Fixed issue where Pommel grenade fails to regenerate uses
  • Eliminated fall damage (meaning, it can no longer take your armor)
  • Reduced “red screen of death” opacity to make it less obfuscating

Call of Duty: WWII update 1.11 is available now.

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