Read the Fortnite Update 1.49 Patch Notes

Read the Fortnite Update 1.48 Patch Notes

Fortnite update 1.48 is now available to download. Version 3.2 of the popular shooter adds in a new Battle Royale mode that features 20 player teams, a new skin called Burnout, and adds in hoverboard boost pads and Wukong to Save the World.

Check out the complete Fortnite update 1.48 patch notes below:


  • Added Easy Anti-Cheat protection to PC.
    • Some players will be run through Easy Anti Cheat and some will be run through BattlEye.
    • Installation will occur while Fortnite is running.
  • Brazil has been added to the Matchmaking Region selector for Xbox One players.
    • To adjust this, head to Settings > Game > Matchmaking Region > Brazil.
  • Wondering what’s happening with Fortnite? Find real-time info via the Epic Games Status Page here.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Reset Building Choice’ option would not reset to Walls if Traps were last selected.


  • Wanting to track the top community issues? Head over to our snazzy new Fortnite | Community Issues Trello board here.



  • Limited Time Mode: Teams of 20
    • Each team is composed of five squads of four players.
    • All teammates will be displayed in green on the map.
    • The Map screen now shows total number of players alive on each team.
    • Increased chances of treasure chests spawning from 50-70% to 60-80%.
    • Increased chances of ammo boxes spawning from 65-80% to 75-90%.
    • Supply Drops always come in batches of 5 instead of varying amounts per Storm Circle. Supply Drop rate increased from 180 (+/- 30s) to 210 (+/- 30s).
    • Teams of 20 has six Storm Circles as opposed to nine. Maximum match length is 23 minutes, down from 25.
    • Storm Circle Timings:
      • Storm Circle 1: Random location. 60s wait, 180s shrink time.
      • Storm Circle 2: Random location. 60s wait, 90s shrink time.
      • Storm Circle 3: Location centered on previous storm (for the rest of the match). 120s wait, 90s shrink time.
      • Storm Circle 4: 120s wait, 60s shrink.
      • Storm Circle 5: 180s wait, 60s shrink.
      • Storm Circle 6: 240s wait, 120s shrink.
  • Players will get elimination credit for forced fall damage either through Impulse Grenades or destroying structures underneath their enemies.
    • Breaking the base of a structure will count the same as breaking the exact piece a player is standing on before they fall.
  • Riding a rocket no longer cancels emotes or using consumables.
  • Lobby emotes will now play out instead of just ending at 5 seconds.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where players at 60 FPS could not jump as high as those playing at 30 FPS.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented weapon tracers from being visible after a certain distance.
  • Fixed an auto-sprint issue that would cause players to continue sprinting when they tried to stop.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with the Hunting Rifle’s accuracy.
    • Now uses perfect accuracy when aiming and not moving. Hip-fire remains unchanged.
    • Fixed an issue with accuracy reticle UI being slightly mismatched.
  • Fixed additional weapon loading issues that prevented players from being able to see or use their weapon while the world was loading.
  • Fixed an issue where firing a weapon could cancel the equip animation.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the kitchen cabinets that were placed outside of some houses. They are now back inside where they belong.
  • Increased the HP value of Weeping Willow trees so it is more representative of the amount of resources it gives.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an inventory slot to be unusable.
  • Fixed an issue where players would have to press the ‘Leave Match’ button twice when exiting an in-progress match.
  • Fixed an issue where squad members could be missing from the top panel when opening the in-game menu.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when closing the game after opening the settings menu.


  • The Pump Shotgun’s pump animation will now play when held up instead of at rest.
  • Distant buildings and objects now connect to the terrain more smoothly.
  • Improved terrain rendering and cloud shadows.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Glider trails were not visible to other players.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented destruction effects from playing while on low effects settings.


  • Added squeaks to wood, stone, metal, and default hits for the Pick Squeak harvesting tool.
  • Improved the default glider and umbrella open sound so that it syncs up with animation.
  • Added an audio cue that will play when squad members jump from the Battle Bus.
  • Improved the Epic/Legendary Assault Rifle close-range fire sound.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that would occur when unplugging headphones.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause tactically important sounds to occasionally be cancelled.


  • Fixed hitching when certain player outfits were loaded in the middle of the match.
  • Fixed crashes that could occur in rare cases when using the NVIDIA ShadowPlay Highlights feature.

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  • Added the Boost Pad schematic as an additional quest reward for ‘Want to Build a Hoverboard?’.
    • This new floor trap pushes your Hoverboard in the direction of the chevrons. Time to build some high-speed race tracks!
    • Players who have already completed this Quest will automatically receive this reward.
    • Hoverboard icon in zone was updated:

  • Added Boost Pad as a World Drop.
  • Added Cozy Campfire Trap as a World Drop.
  • Group Missions
    • All Group Missions now have Mission Alerts that award Firecracker Tickets.
      • Firecracker Ticket amount awarded is scaled based on difficulty.
      • Can play the same Group mission hex multiple times.
      • Quota: Only 10 Group Mission Alerts per day will grant tickets.
    • Group Missions now include Fight the Storm Category 1,2,3, & 4, Retrieve the Data, Ride the Lightning, Evacuate the Shelter, Repair the Shelter, and Deliver the Bomb mission types.
      • Mission availability is based on player progression.
      • Rescue the Survivors and Evacuate the Shelter mission icons were updated so they no longer use the same image as the Group Missions:

    • Each mission threat level now has its own attribute caps, instead of a single cap for an entire location (Stonewood, Plankerton, etc).This should give players an experience closer to our intended difficulty curve when playing down-level.
    • Increased the number of missions where higher level players can earn experience:
      • Many missions that were previously ‘grey’ on the map and awarded no XP will now be ‘green’ and award XP at a reduced rate.
      • Decreased the XP fall off when playing these lower-level ‘green’ missions to make it easier to make progress when playing down-level.
    •  Group Missions now require Storm Shield Defense Quest progression to unlock.

Bug Fixes

  • As foreshadowed in the 2.4 patch notes, completed expedition rewards may not be claimed while Storm Shield Storage is in overflow.
    • In order to protect player data, it is essential to enforce limits on inventory size.
    • Given a choice of dropping rewards or delaying access, we opted for delay.
    • Completed expedition rewards are not lost and may be claimed once your storage is within capacity again.
  • It is no longer possible to temporarily mount the Hoverboard if the mount button is held down for more than 2 seconds while in build mode.
  • It is no longer possible to craft ammo while on the Hoverboard.
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue where yellow missions were prematurely disappearing from the mission map.
  • Fixed Smashers and Mini-Bosses being able to damage mission defense objectives.
  • Minor fixes to the Event Quests
    • A more detailed description added to the ‘Double Trouble’ Spring it On! quest.
    • Fountains in ‘Change of Luck’ Spring it On! drop more quest items per fountain destroyed.


  • Weapon Perks
    • Critical Damage vs. afflicted targets increased from 45% / 67.5% / 90% to 67.5% / 101% / 135%.
    • Critical Chance decreased from 14% / 21% / 28% to 11.5% / 16.5% / 21%.
    • Critical Damage increased from 30% / 45% / 60% to 45% / 67.5% / 90%.
    • Recoil changed from -20% / -30% / -40% Reduced Recoil to +20% / +30% / +40% Weapon Stability.
    • Heavy Attack Cost changed from -9% / -13% / -17% Heavy Attack Energy Cost to +10% / +15% / +20% Heavy Attack Efficiency.
    • Fire Rate increased from 12% / 18% / 24% to 14% / 21% / 28%.
    • Reload Speed increased from 15% / 22.5% / 30% to 25% / 38% / 50%.
    • Clip Size decreased from 30% / 45% / 60% to 25% / 38% / 50%
    • Durability Decay increased from 10% / 15% / 20% to 14% / 21% / 28%.
  • Trap Perks
    • Max Durability increased from 8% / 12% / 16% to 14% / 21% / 28%
    • Reload Speed increased from 12% / 18% / 24% to 14% / 21% / 28%.
    • Critical Chance decreased from 14% / 21% / 28% to 11.5%/16.5%/21%.
    • Critical Damage increased from 30% / 45% / 60% to 45% / 67.5% /90%.
  • These balance changes are intended to make several of our non-damage perks more viable, while creating a wider range of desirable weapon builds. – Developer Comment

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where rare and uncommon trap perks would appear at incorrect frequencies.


  • Wukong is available in the Event Store.
    • This is the Mythic version of the Lunar New Year ‘Berserker’ soldier.
  • The Demolisher Soldier has three new festive looks for St. Patrick’s Day.
    • Three new St. Patrick’s themed Legendary Demolisher Soldiers have been added to the Spring it On! Llama.
      • Luck Demolisher Wildcat.
      • Skye Warrior Wildcat.
      • Battle Hound Jonesy.
  • The Support Perk for the Berserker Soldier subclass has been changed from ‘Quick Shield’ to ‘Assault Damage’.
    • Increases assault weapon damage by 12%, 18%, and 24% at evolutions 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue which could cause players to be unable to equip a gun after dying in ‘Goin’ Commando!!!’.
  • Fixed an issue which didn’t allow ‘Frag Grenade!’ to be thrown through small windows.


  • A button has been added to the Survivor Squad screen that allows players to easily clear all slots in the squad.
  • Improved the Batch Recycle / Retire screen so that players can more easily tell which alerts map to the selected items.
  • Damage numbers for the Energy damage type now have their own unique visuals.
  • Updated skill tree visuals.
  • Players can now toggle the grid view when looking at Schematics, Heroes, Survivors, and Defenders in the Armory.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where players joining via matchmaking would show up with a Homebase power of 1, no name, and no banner when opening the main menu.
  • The Truck Slot 2 research node in the Research 2 skill tree page now costs 1600 Research Points (was 3700).

Fortnite update 1.48 is available now.

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