Star Wars Battlefront 2 Collectibles Guide – All Campaign Collectible Locations

Star Wars Battlefront II may be facing down a whole lot of controversy for it’s on again, off again decisions regarding pay-to-win and microtransactions, but hiding behind all of that drama is a pretty great game. Like any shooter, the campaign for Battlefront II has collectibles scattered throughout, and while getting them all isn’t required for a trophy, they will complete milestones that grant additional credits and crafting parts for advancement in the multiplayer.

The campaign collectibles are boxes that Iden’s droid splices. This means that there aren’t any collectibles in any of the hero missions, or missions where Iden doesn’t have access to her droid. Here is every collectible in the Star Wars Battlefront 2 campaign.

Star Wars Battlefront II Collectibles Guide – All Campaign Collectibles

Prologue – The Cleaner

Collectible 1 –

-In the very first room, after gaining control of Iden’s droid, turn to the right and head to the back of the room. Look for a box with an icon to interact with.

Collectible 2 –

-As Iden’s droid, after exiting from the the ventilation shaft for the second time. Head underneath the raised platform with yellow guard rails in the middle of the room to find the box  stacked on a few other boxes against the wall.

Collectible 3 –

-After Iden gets her hands on a blaster, you’ll come to a room with four rebel soldiers. In this room head down the the catwalk and when it splits left and right, go left. In the room at the end of this area will be the last collectible from the prologue.

Mission 1 – The Battle of Endor

Collectible 1 –

-To the right of where you start the mission, there is a fallen AT-AT walker. Head underneath the walker to find the collectible box.

Collectible 2 –

-After ambushing the rebels at the bunker, head inside the bunker to find the next collectible box for Iden’s droid to splice.

Collectible 3 –

-When you get to the downed shuttle, follow it around to the back and head left towards the bunker. There’s a large cable if you are on the correct path. When you get to the bunker, head inside for the third collectible.

Collectible 4 –

-When you get to platform 4, head to the rear of the platform to find a staircase. Underneath the two sets of stairs that come together to a platform will be the fourth collectible.

Collectible 5 –

-On the final platform, when you have to fight your way to the TIE-fighter, head to the back to find a crashed X-Wing. The collectible is behind the X-Wing wreckage.

Mission 2 – The Dauntless

Collectible 1 –

-When you board The Dauntless (the Rebel capital ship), you’ll pass burning wreckage of ships as you reach the second half of the room. Just past the wreckage, turn right and look up to see the collectible box up on the ledge above the burning wreckage.

Collectible 2 –

-When you get to the large open power supply room near the end, head to the right to drop off of the balcony and look below. You’ll recognize the collectible location as the same as Collectible 2 from the prologue. It is on top of some boxes, stacked near a wall on the lower area.

Mission 4 – The Storm

Collectible 1 –

-Shortly after the start of the mission, you’ll come to a huge gold statue of an Imperial admiral. Turn right just after passing through the gate into the area with the statue and head along the path here to find the collectible up on a stack of crates.

Collectible 2 –

-Shortly after triggering the alarm, you’ll pass through an area with a lot of Imperial propaganda posters. After this hallway, you will be in a courtyard. Head left to the gate, and then turn right to find the collectible up on some crates.

Collectible 3 –

-Just after Collectible 2, start heading to the objective, but don’t go through the gate. Look to the right to see a large cylindrical structure out over the water with three red lights on it. The collectible is at the base of the structure.

Collectible 4 –

-Just before hacking the AT-AT walker at the end of the mission is a small raised platform that rises above everything else in the area. On top of that balcony is the collectible crate.

Mission 8 – Under Covered Skies

Collectible 1 –

-After landing the X-Wing, head to the hangar doors. There are two sets of stairs that lead down to the level below. At the top of the second rear-most set of stairs in front of the hangar is the collectible.

Collectible 2 –

-Once you trigger the alarm and leave the tower, turn to the right of the docked TIE-Fighter. The collectible on some crates next to the circular structure with the orange lights.

Collectible 3 –

-Right near Collectible 2 and on the way to the next objective is a storage room area. head to the right of collectible 2 to find the room. Kill the stormtroopers inside and head to the back left to find the collectible crate stacked on some other boxes.

Collectible 4 –

-Once outside, look left and head towards the platform with the TIE-Fighters. On this platform is the final collectible crate for this mission.

Mission 10 – The Battle of Jakku

Collectible 1 –

-After landing the X-Wing, keep to right side of the map as you head to the objective. You’ll come across a tube-like portion of the wreckage. Inside is the first collectible on Jakku.

Collectible 2 –

-When you enter the TIE hangar where you go to plant the bombs, head to the very back of the room. The crate is on the underside of a ledge here are the back.

Collectible 3 –

-When you land again to help the rebels take on the AT-AT walkers, go straight over two small dunes after exiting your X-Wing. At the top of the second dune, look to the right to see a supply crate. Inside that crate is a collectible.

Mission 11 – Until Ashes

Collectible 1 –

-After defeating the stormtroopers at the start of the mission, head straight ahead. You’ll see the wreckage of an engine near some laser turrets. Against the engine wreckage, on the close side, is the collectible crate.

Collectible 2 –

-Right after entering the Star Destroyer interior, there will be a bank of computers along the right side. Near these computers and a stack of boxes is the final collectible crate.

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