Released ahead of schedule, For Honor update 1.06 is now available to download on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Ubisoft has announced. However, due to an issue with Ubisoft’s servers today, you may be unable to connect to a match, even after installing the update. (Update: “Warriors, outage is over, V1.06 is now deployed and functional on Xbox One and PS4.”)
Here’s the patch notes for update 1.06, which highlight changes to the fighters, frame-rate improvements in game menus and during matches, the activation of Join-in-Progress at the end of the match, and more:
- Data exchanges between players are now more resilient to network fluctuations.
- Reduced the footprint of data exchanges to improve match experience under limited networking conditions.
- Multiple performance improvements increasing the frame-rate both in game menus and during matches.
- The LODs (Level of Detail) on ambient FX are now dynamically adjusted during matches, when required, to help ensure optimal performance.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a performance degradation when the Xbox One home panel was being opened which sometimes triggered a simulation re-synchronization.
- Reduced the rematch timer from 90 to 60 seconds.
- We are now able to activate Join-in-Progress at the end of the match. When we activate it at a later date, players leaving the session will be replaced by new players during the End Lobby. This will allow new matches to occur more frequently without the need to quit lobby and go back to matchmaking.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug causing a session to split, during matches under certain conditions, leaving each player in its own session with bots.
- Improved re-sync messages displayed during matches to clearly display the cause of the re-syncs.
Game Operations
- Added server-side networking configurations to allow faster stability tweaking.
- Added monitoring of simulation edge cases to improve our ability to further diagnose certain types of problems.
- [Bug Fix] Bleed should no longer be applied without contact.
- Light Attack Miss recovery branching into Chained Light Attack delayed by 100ms.
- Chained Light Attack recoveries on Interrupt Block increased to 700ms (from 600ms).
- Chained Light Attack recoveries on Hit increased to 700ms (from 500ms).
- [Bug Fix] Light attack after Shove can no longer be blocked if opponent changes stance
- Updated Shove attack’s area of effect
- Updated post-Shove Light attack’s area of effect
- Shoulder Bash cancel timing into Guard Break reduced to 300ms before end of startup (from 100ms before end of startup).
- Uninterruptible Stance timing on fully-charged Shoulder Bash startup reduced by 100ms in order to match the revised Guard Break cancel timing.
- Cancelling Shoulder Bash into Idle now causes a 200ms recovery with no defense (Wardens used to cancel out of Shoulder Bash instantly into Idle).
- The fully-charged visual and audio effects, will now only play once the cancel window is closed.
- Non-charged Shoulder Bash recovery on Miss increased to 800ms (from 700ms)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue causing the Warden to spin around on hit with Shoulder Bash
- [Bug Fix] Shoulder Bash ability to bump external target no longer overlaps with locked target
- [Bug Fix] Fixed issue on Throws causing opponents to get knocked down earlier.
- Hurricane Blast has Uninterruptible Stance.
- Added Uninterruptible Stance Icon to Moveset page.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed rotation so that victim of Hurricane Blast always faces the Orochi when stabbed.
- Charge of the Oni no longer knocks down on contact
- Charge of the Oni’s 400ms startup is fully dodgeable
- Charge of the Oni trajectory can no longer be adjusted with the left stick
- Shugoki cannot regenerate stamina during Charge of the Oni
You can read the developer comments on each change on the official website.
Asked when more characters will arrive for For Honor, Ubisoft Support said, “Stay tuned to the @ForHonorGame page for more updates and details about Season 2!” Asked again, they said, “Once this information becomes available, we’ll communicate it on the game’s channel.”
The first season of the Faction War has come to an end, with the Vikings declared the winners. Viking players received one exclusive Ornament for each Hero, the Season Winner Golden emblem outline, and five Scavenger Crates. The second place Samurai received four Scavenger Crates and the Silver Emblem outline, while the third place Knights received three Scavenger Crates and the Bronze Emblem outline.
What do you think of the new patch?
[Source: For Honor (1), (2), (3), Ubisoft]
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