Reportedly a 1.75GB download, MLB The Show 17 update 1.04 is now available for PlayStation 4. In addition to fixing several issues that caused players to freeze or get stuck in certain situations, the update also makes improvements to the catcher’s blocking ability, addresses crashing, and fixes an issue where a pitcher would be pulled even with a low pitch count.
Here’s the full list of patch notes for MLB The Show 17 update 1.04 today:
Online Gameplay
- Fixed several issues causing users to soft lock, freeze or get stuck in certain situations, both on the field and in the pause menu or bullpen screens.
- Improvements made to the Catcher’s blocking ability including the prevention of balls travelling through the player.
- Various general gameplay and transition improvements.
Offline and Online Gameplay
- Adjustments made to limit the power on opposite field HR’s as well as inside/outside swing types.
Universal Profile
- Previously unobtainable icons will now unlock correctly.
- The level up animation no longer remains on screen while redeeming missions.
UI and OSD
- Franchise in-game ticker stat tracking.
- Corrected batter and walkup stats in the Postseason.
- Fixed several instances of incorrect Team or Division logos appearing.
- Prevented slide outs and Defensive Shift menus from overlapping.
- Added MPH and pitch info to score bar in CPU vs CPU games.
- Adjustments to Pregame lineup screens.
- Completed Programs no longer incorrectly display “Feed Me” icons.
- Corrected the foul pole areas in BOS and CIN to improve play calling/scoring.
- Swapped the Home and Away Miami bullpens.
- Fixed new Wrigley Field LED boards to display pitcher W/L records.
- The New York Mets “7 Line Army” now appears in Season/Franchise game modes.
- Citi Field’s grass anomaly down the right field line has been fixed.
- Corrected Houston and Old Miami distance markers on the HR walls.
- Adjusted the bullpen camera in multiple stadiums to prevent clipping issues.
- Graphical corrections and improvement to Old Miami (concourse areas) and Wagonman (warning track).
- Diamond Dynasty created player stat tracking and Ritual Item boosts now function correctly.
- Various RTTS Manager Interaction and player progression fixes.
- RTTS and Franchise mode adjustments we made to correct issues that were preventing some users from progressing naturally.
- Fixed an issue where the CPU would pull starting pitchers with low pitch counts.
- Fixed and issue where songs put into “Sounds of the Show” would not save correctly.
- Corrected arm action and animations for many pitchers including Clayton Kershaw, Tom Seaver, Michael Wacha, and others.
- Audio adjustments to commentary (RTTS milestones), public address announcer, and overall sound effects.
- Addressed many consumer reported crashes. (Thank you for those reports!)
- Various other minor bug fixes and adjustments made throughout the game.
Earlier this month, Sony San Diego said they haven’t been satisfied with certain areas of MLB The Show 17, and are “all hands on deck working to remedy outstanding issues.”
You can read our review of MLB The Show 17 over here.
[Source: MLB The Show, Reddit (1), (2)]
10 2016 PS4 Games You Overlooked
2016 PS4 Games You Overlooked
Action Henk
Action Henk takes the time trial fun of Trials, but replaces motorcycles with an out-of-shape action hero. Perfect for speedrunners, this platformer's addictive nature will have players repeatedly playing stages in order to shave precious seconds off of their time. It's a blast, and really opens up once the grappling hook is introduced.
Assault Android Cactus
This year's best twin-stick shooter wasn't a hyped release like Alienation, as indie standout Assault Android Cactus stole the show. This highly challenging title features co-op fun, and is best played with friends, but can also be completed solo. A colorful cast of characters, each with their own abilities, helps the game stay fresh from beginning to end.
Carnival Games VR
It's easy to dismiss Carnival Games VR. After all, the series didn't have a great reputation on the Wii, but it delivers good fun on PlayStation VR. It doesn't provide a ton of depth as it instead opts to provide plenty of light-hearted fun, but sometimes that is exactly what is needed.
Grand Kingdom
Role-playing games are looking to shine in 2017, but 2016 had quite a few good ones as well. One of which was Monochrome Corporation's Grand Kingdom, a turn-based title where positioning is key.It also has a unique focus on multiplayer, which is rarely explored in the genre. It's also available on Vita, if you prefer to play on the go.
Night School Studio's Oxenfree was one of the year's best surprises. Composed of former Telltale staff, the studio managed to implement some of the most impressive interactive dialogue that has been seen in gaming. Oxenfree isn't just a technical feat, though, as it also tells a spooky story that will leave you thinking after the credits roll.
Salt and Sanctuary
If Dark Souls III didn't leave you fully satisfied, then you should give Ska Studios' Salt and Sanctuary a try. This 2D take on FromSoftware's Souls series provides a highly rewarding experience. It even features local multiplayer, in case you want to go on a journey with a friend.
Soft Body
Zeke Virant's Soft Body is one of the coolest games released in 2016. The inventive action game has the player controlling two characters at once (a ghost and soft body). The game starts off simple, but after a few levels the game's iterative design starts to shine. Mechanics build upon each other, and it becomes a highly difficult & beautiful game. It's a must-play for people looking for something new or are fans of bullet hell titles.
Tharsis is basically Yahtzee set in space, except a bad dice roll might result in the deaths of your entire spaceship crew. This game is all about management and making difficult decisions, as players have to manage stress levels after a ship gets critically damaged. Only talented players will be able to survive, and the game deals with some brilliant themes.
Canadian developer Blue Isle Studios has improved a lot since they released Slender: The Arrival. Their second major release, Valley, is a first-person adventure game that has players using a "L.E.A.F. suit" to jump through the air. It looks gorgeous, and has an interesting story to discover.
Videoball is a game filled with much more depth than immediately meets the eye. Underneath its minimalistic aesthetic hides a highly complex, yet easy to pick-up, competitive multiplayer title. A mixture between air hockey and soccer, the game is some of the best fun players can have with friends, both online or locally.