Update: At 1pm PT/4pm ET, Respawn said, “A Glitch in the Frontier Update is going to come out just a bit later than usual but still dropping today! We’ll keep you updated.”
Original Story: Likely going live around 9am PT/12pm ET, today’s new Titanfall 2 update for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC includes the new Glitch map, the new Deck Live Fire map, a new execution, four new Featured Modes (they’ll be introduced at different times in the near future), improvements to the Main Menu, a Pilot Gen increase to 100, an improvement that sees the game remembering Multiplayer as last played, and much more.
Here’s everything you’ll find in the Titanfall 2 update going live today:
New Content
- New Map: Glitch
- New Live Fire Map: Deck
- New Faction: M.R.V.N.
- New Execution: Get to the Point [Pulse Blade] – Unlocks after getting 10 Pilot kills with the Pulse Blade. If you have already achieved the 10 kills it will unlock retroactively
New Featured Modes (Will Be Introduced At Different Times in the Near Future)
- Glitch 24/7 – Get a feel for the new map by playing a variety of modes on just the Glitch map
- Marked for Death – 6v6. One member of each team is Marked as targets and both teams must defend their target while trying to kill the other team’s target. Once one of the marked players are killed, the surviving Mark’s team is rewarded a point. After a few seconds, new Marks are chosen. First team to 10 kills wins.
- Titan Brawl – Think of this as Team Deathmatch with just Titans. 5v5 mode with Titans only (no ejecting) and respawning. Each kill counts for 1 point and first team to 30 points wins.
- Iron Last Titan Standing – It’s the Last Titan Standing you know and love with a few new rules. 5v5 with no ejecting and no batteries.
New Features
- Main Menu Update: We dressed things up a bit with new background videos, updates, and tiles with rad stuff we think you should check out
- Increase Pilot Gen to 100
- Added Live Fire mode to Private Match options
- You can now choose between regular, Prime, or random for executions for Titans if you own the Prime Titan
Matchmaking and Network Improvements
- Game will now emit a sound when it is going to connect you to a match. Our PC brethren will want to make sure to set Settings > Audio > Sound In Background to On to hear game sounds when the game is not focused. This is for all audio, including the matchmade sound
- Fixes to address parties occasionally getting split up
- Players that join late to a party making it too large for the current playlist will now cancel matchmaking
- Fixed issue where you could not invite friends after starting a private match
Game Improvements
- The game will now remember Multiplayer as last played in Main Menu – no more accidentally selecting Single Player!
- Removed sun flare for maps Colony, Exoplanet, Forwardbase Kodai
- Gates, the 6/4 Faction Leader, now uses the campaign model
Titan Balance
- Titan Melee – Reduced area of effect for all Titans expect Ronin
- Fixed a bug with Sword Block not always blocking the intended amount of incoming damage
- Small reduction in Laser Shot’s cone angle
Pilot Balance
Arc Grenades
- Arc Grenades now have only 1 charge
- Arc Grenades recharge faster
- Holopilots can now walk through the Amped Wall
- Holopilots can now crouch walk
- Made crosshair smaller so if you have a bead on an enemy you’ll more likely to deal high damage
- Projectile width will increase quicker to improve consistency of damage in close quarters
- Now need to be closer to deal max damage
- Slightly Increased spread to compensate
- Reduced the near and very far damage of the Amped Devotion
Charge Rifle
- Small increase to its base damage
- Reduced missile tracking speed. It will still continue to track targets, but not to the extreme amount it has been since the last patch
- Crosshair dots no longer turn off when firing all assault rifles and SMGs
- Fixed issue with the R101 where the reticle would disappear while cloaked
Game Mode Adjustments
- Added a 1st Half/2nd Half indicators to HUD for CTF
- Fixed issue in CTF where the flag was unreturnable after being dropped by an enemy
- Fixed a bug in CTF where the flag could be returned by dead players
- Dropped flags will now drop more reliably in areas with low ceiling clearance
- Hooked up the missing LTS VO line letting you know you’re the Last Titan Standing
- Fixed an issue where players would see a black screen while waiting for players to connect. It now says “jumping to location” like other modes
- Updated the player status HUD elements
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with tracking rockets missing the dropship
- Fix for Scorch Nitro nose art:
- Scorch and Scorch Prime now have different nose art for the “Firebrand”
- Scorch Prime will keep the same “Demons” nose art
- Scorch now uses a slightly modified pre-order version of “Firebrand” that will also contain the “Demon” art
- Fixed issue where the Blacksite Scorch Warpaint would not appear in first person
- Fixed issue where Legion would spin and face opposite direction when performing his execution as an Auto Titan
- Fixed a bug where ejecting during Legion’s Power Shot could leave you unable to melee
- Fixes to 3rd person animation for some Titans
- Fixed bug where a Pilot could not execute an enemy if their movement speed was reduced
- Fixed a bug where a Pilot rodeoing a Titan wouldn’t see it’s health bar as Doomed
By the end of June, Respawn will release the Relic map, the Traffic Live Fire map, and more for Titanfall 2.
[Source: Titanfall Forums]
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Batman: Arkham Knight
While it may not reach the highs of Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham Knight is another solid entry in Rocksteady's Batman series. It's also the first game from the British developer to get an M rating. The car combat is the most divisive addition in the game, so your mileage may vary depending on if you dig it or not.
If you're a fan of From Software's Souls series, then Bloodborne might be the game for you. Focusing on dodging more than blocking, this faster paced action game still retains the high difficulty that has made these titles so divisive. Excellent DLC has also been released for Bloodborne, so there's plenty of content to sink your teeth into.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
The best first-person shooter on the system, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is one of the few bright spots in Activision's series as of late. It features a fantastic campaign that tells a compelling story, and has frantic multiplayer. The additional movement is also fully fleshed out, not feeling tacked-on.
Dark Souls III
Dark Souls III brings From Software's trilogy of titles to an end with a bang. There's more customization than Bloodborne, so if you're looking for a game where you can experiment with class types then you're set. Secrets are still being discovered about this recent release, so there's still plenty to learn about it.
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Blizzard's Diablo III: Reaper of Souls was fantastic on PC, and managed to make the jump to consoles seamlessly. The loot grind is as satisfying as ever here, and cooperative play makes this really shine. You can even play with a friend locally.
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition is another solid PC port. If you're a fan of computer RPGs then you'll find a lot to like in this modernized throwback. There's dozens of quests to do, and a huge map to explore. Throw in a huge amount of depth to the action, and you'll be set for weeks if not months.
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition is one of the best character action games ever made. Running at a solid 60 frames-per-second, DmC features some of the most inventive level design in any game period. The action is intense, and amazing boss fights cap off this gem.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
The latest entry in BioWare's fantasy role-playing game, Dragon Age: Inquisition, is the best one yet. There's a fascinating story that players can help shape, and the gameplay is more polished than ever. Inquisition is quite the accomplishment, and it's hard not to be excited for the upcoming Mass Effect title from the studio.
Fallout 4
Fallout 4 might not be a huge enhancement over Fallout 3, but it's still more Fallout. That's a good thing, and there's still enough here to lose days to once you sink your teeth in. A few new gameplay systems add some additional depth mechanically, and you might just get addicted to building settlements.
Far Cry 4
Much like Fallout 4, Far Cry 4 suffers from a sense of déjà vu. That said, once you get past the fact that you're basically playing Far Cry 3 in a slightly less interesting locale, there's still a lot to like. Taking over strongholds is just as fun as ever, and completionists will love finding all the secrets.
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V was one of the best games on PlayStation 3, and it's still one of the best titles on PS4. The latest entry in Rockstar's signature series features plenty of improvements on current hardware including better technical performance, and a first-person mode that changes the game significantly. It's worth picking up if you haven't played it before, or beat it on PS3.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Despite Konami's best efforts to annoy gamers with microtransactions, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is still one of the best games on the system. The Kojima directed stealth game finally reaches the high level of gameplay that the series has always aimed for, and feels like the true culmination of the series. While Metal Gear Solid might be over as we know it, it at least went out with an instant classic.
Mortal Kombat XL
The best fighting game on PS4, Mortal Kombat XL features all of MKX's DLC onto one disc. Additional characters such as the Predator and Triborg add a lot to the character roster. There's also a fantastic campaign, as Neversoft proves they're ahead of the rest of the genre in terms of single-player modes.
The Last of Us Remastered
Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Remastered is a true triumph in video game storytelling. Sure, there's plenty of action, but it's the slower moments that make The Last of Us something special. Rarely do you care for characters like you will for Joel and Ellie.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the largest role-playing games ever made. It's not just empty land mass, though, as there's plenty of stuff to do. In fact, there's almost too much to do! If you're looking for a game to spend 100s of hours on, then The Witcher 3 is the best choice.