Going live later today on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, the Colony Reborn Titanfall 2 update will add a new map, a new weapon, a new execution, balance changes, a Random Pilot Execution option, and more.
Respawn has published the patch notes ahead of time, and you can see them below:
New Content (Free)
- Map – Colony
- Weapon – R-101
- Execution – Curb Check
New Content (Paid)
- Prime Titans – Northstar, Legion
- Camos – 20 camos
- Callsigns – 20 banners, 20 patches
- Titan Nose Art – 5 new designs, 1 new Warpaint per Titan
Balance Changes
- Roll the Dice – increased earn meter needed to use
- Smart Pistol – Fixed bug with locking onto the base of Amped Wall and Hard Cover
Thunderbolt Adjustments
- Damage per hit increased
- Damage pulses at a faster rate
- Substantially reduced the AoE size to Titans
- Reduced the missile speed
Charge Rifle
- Charge Hack mod is now a Quick Shot mod instead of Instant Shot.
- Fixed Speedloader mod not working properly
- Holo Pilot now has the name and a health bar of the owner pilot
- Holo Pilot pulses randomly on the minimap
- Holo Pilot will give a subtle audio cue now to the owner when it’s destroyed
Amped Wall
- Amped Wall can now be destroyed
Titan Changes
- Reduced the amount of core meter generated by dealing damage to Titans
- Removed the icon on top of a battery that would appear after a Pilot stole a battery via Rodeo
- Increased the base duration of Thermal Shield
- Reduced the increased duration of Inferno Shield kit so it’s total duration stays the same
- Fuel for the Fire Kit now reduces the cooldown of Fire Wall instead of increasing its duration
- Fixed a bug where Fire Wall and Flame Core were still being extinguished by Electric Smoke
Game Modes
- Enemy NPCs appear on the minimap in Attrition – for Titanfall 1 veterans, all pilots have Minion Detector.
- Balanced the locations of batteries that were heavily favoring one team and adjusted other battery positions relative to those being balanced.
- Restricted Live Fire and LTS max draw rounds to 3
Live Fire
- Adjusted Live Fire scoring priority so Kills now count higher than Flag Captures
- You will now instantly steal the flag when executing an enemy flag carrier in Live Fire
- Live Fire mode will now wait until all players have connected before starting the first round
New Features/Changes
- Featured Mode Colony 24/7 Mix of Modes
- Added Random Pilot Execution option. This will choose a random execution out of the ones you have unlocked.
- Advocate Gifts will now default to rewarding random cosmetic items instead of credits. This should help players who primarily play one type of loadout get more cosmetic rewards
Coliseum Improvements
- Added new introduction ceremony
- Added 9 new victory animations
- Player now automatically wins Coliseum match if opponent disconnects
Gameplay Fixes
- Fixed bug in Angel City where embarking into your Titan in certain spots would lead to player death
- Various fixes to improve overall movement
- Various improvements to Pilot melee
- Amped Wall fixes
- Silence Pistols are now properly amped
- Arc Grenades can now be thrown through the passable side of the Amped Wall.
- Fixed issue with Inner Pieces so executed Pilot is facing the same way as the execution
- Fixed some issues with weapon drops during executions
- Fixed the sidearm dropping from the stim execution
- Fixed 180 degree bug with executions.
- Fixed bug where you couldn’t move after Northstar’s execution
- Fixed Titans warping to the floor when disembarking in mid-air
- Fixed bug in Coliseum where holding down ordnance button between rounds would cause player to spawn on same side as their enemy
- Fixed a bug that could cause rodeoing pilots to not be hit by Electric Smoke.
- Various Faction Leader announcement fixes when executing rodeo
- Various improvements to Titan nose art issues
- Adjusted disembark to better handle disembarking onto a raised platform
HUD/Menu Fixes
- Added player level to callsign cards during killcam
- HUD options menu now displays proper value for 2d/3d damage indicator settings
- Player gen of 2.09 no longer incorrectly displays as 2.9
- Fixed bug in Live Fire so flag icon now displays properly during killcam and spectator mode
- Fixed custom loadout names sometimes showing wrong text
- Fixed bug where you would still get an option to buy after purchasing Angel City’s Most Wanted Bundle
- Various stability improvements
In addition to a Double XP Weekend from today until Monday, April 3, Respawn is also hosting a Free Trial Weekend this weekend, which will give everyone access to the full multiplayer experience, the Training Gauntlet, and The Beacon single-player mission. Expect the file to go live later today on the PlayStation Store (North America, Europe).
[Source: Titanfall]
10 Fighting Games That Should Make a Return
Fighting Games That Should Make a Return
Capcom Fighting All-Stars
This is a true revival since Capcom Fighting All-Stars never actually saw the light of day. That's probably a good thing considering the planned PlayStation 2 game received a negative reception from play tests, but the core idea behind the title is a good one. It's a crossover title featuring all of Capcom's characters, and they certainly have a much deeper cast of characters now than they did in 2003. Imagine how cool it would be seeing Asura unleash his wrath on Sissel from Ghost Trick!
Fatal Fury
While Terry Bogard has kept his hat warm by competing in The King of Fighters, Fatal Fury hasn't seen a new entry since 1999's Garou: Mark of the Wolves (which recently made its way to PS4). It's long overdue for SNK's series to return, and its two-plane battle system would help differentiate itself from other fighting games. Ideally, the series would be rebooted, and it could also have a greater emphasis on story to help it find its own niche.
Fight Night
Electronic Arts' Fight Night series hasn't been seen since 2011's Fight Night Champion, with the studio instead focusing on mixed martial arts. That's fine and dandy, but the sweet science deserves to make a comeback on modern consoles. A new entry would likely be a visual powerhouse, and I'd love to see the game honor the late Muhammad Ali.
Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire
Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire isn't the best game on this list. Heck, it's not even a good video game. That said, there's something special about this unbalanced game where every combo depletes half of a character's health bar. Plus, it's the only game that allows players to pick from three versions of Jackie Chan. I'd love to see the game, in all of its broken glory, get some sort of port or sequel since sometimes bad games can be the most fun to play.
King of the Monsters
SNK did an impressive job bringing back The King of Fighters this year, so I feel like the Japanese studio should tackle another revival. In this case, it'd be the kaiju-themed King of the Monsters. There hasn't been a good Godzilla fighting game in quite some time, and this could definitely fill that void.
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale had some solid ideas, but a lackluster roster and some odd gameplay decisions held it back from rivaling Smash Bros.'s dominance in the platform fighting genre. A sequel could add important characters such as Crash Bandicoot and other third-party PlayStation icons, while also refining the gameplay. Sony could have a hit on their hands, they just have to learn from the first game.
Power Stone
Capcom's 3D arena fighter Power Stone hasn't been seen in a decade, but it is still beloved by fans. A modern rendition with online play would be a blast, as the brawler's fast-paced action has held up well over the past 15 years.
The Soul series of fighting game stands out due to its accessible gameplay, and a focus on weapons over traditional martial arts. That's exactly why its needed on current consoles, as no other game feels that niche. I'm already excited just by thinking of all of the fun guest characters Namco could bring in.
Virtua Fighter
Virtua Fighter is Sega's premier fighting game series, and it hasn't seen a main entry since 2007. Since then the game's signature fighter Akira Yuki has appeared in all sorts of games ranging from Dead or Alive to Project X Zone, but I think it's time for the martial artist to return to his own series. Take advantage of the "virtua" aspect, and make this VR's top fighting game.
WWF No Mercy
There hasn't been a good WWE game since WWE All-Stars in 2011, and 2K taking over the license hasn't exactly helped the quality of the games. That's why in my dream scenario, 2K would get the rights to AKI Corporation's WWF No Mercy, and update the N64 classic with the current roster. Not only would it work as a nostalgia grab, it would also be more fun than what the current product offers.