Overwatch Update 1.9 Today on PS4, Xbox One & PC Adds Orisa

Adding Orisa as a playable hero, Overwatch update 1.9 is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Blizzard has announced. In the above trailer, you can see a bit of Orisa gameplay.

Orisa will be available in Quick Play, the Arcade (including custom games with the competitive ruleset), and Play vs. AI., but she won’t be available for Competitive Play until next week. “We want to give players some time to learn about and play Orisa before she’s placed into the crucible of Competitive Play,” Blizzard explained.

Here’s the description for Orisa:

Built from the scraps of the city’s decommissioned OR15 defense bots, Orisa is still learning how to optimally perform her function. What she lacks in experience, she makes up for in her steadfast dedication to keeping her city – and her creator, Efi – safe from harm.

Orisa is the sixth tank to join the Overwatch lineup, and much like her programming, her gameplay is engineered around protection. Her main weapon is a rapid-fire Fusion Driver, an automatic gun with good range and accuracy even at a distance—though it comes at a cost. Orisa’s movement slows down while she fires and players will need to plan for a lengthy reload time. Her alternate fire, Halt!, launches a graviton charge across the map, slowing nearby enemies as it passes, then pulling them toward it when it detonates.

Her Fortify ability boosts her personal defense, reducing damage taken and making her unstoppable for a short time. She can throw a device that creates a curved, stationary Protective Barrier, perfect for intercepting projectiles and shielding teammates from the front, sides, and above. Lastly, as her ultimate ability, Orisa deploys a high-powered Supercharger that beams a buff to allies within its range, increasing the damage they can inflict on the opposing team

And here’s a look at the patch notes for today’s update:

General Updates

Competitive Play

  • On Route 66, the attacking team is now given 60 additional seconds after pushing the payload to the first checkpoint.

Custom Game and Game Browser

  • When setting up a Custom Game, players can now disable or modify abilities activated with the secondary fire button

Hero Updates


  • Biotic Rifle – Damage decreased from 80 to 60


  • Ironclad – [XB1, PS4] Bastion now takes 20% less damage while in Configuration: Sentry or Tank (formerly 35%)


  • Total Mayhem – Junkrat’s explosion no longer hurt himself


  • Caduceus Staff – The amount of increased damage that’s done when boosting another player is now tracked under the match statistics and on the Career Profile page


  • Hack – Sombra’s teammates can now see hacked healthpacks through walls
  • Stealth – Sound effects and VO distance has been reduced to 15 meters when Sombra enters or exits Stealth
  • Translocator – Cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 4 seconds


  • Barrier Projector – Ability cooldown now starts when the barrier is placed, instead of when it ends


  • Particle Barrier – No longer protects Zarya from knockback
  • Projected Barrier – No longer protects allies from knockback


  • Orb of Destruction – Alternate fire cooldown has been reduced from 1 seconds to 0.6 seconds. Weapon spread has been removed

Bug Fixes


  • When Teleporters, Shield Generators, and other player-owned objects are destroyed, the kill feed now properly displays the owner’s name


  • Fixed a bug preventing Bastion and Torbjörn bots from taking a defensive position when turret abilities were disabled in Custom Games


  • Fixed a visual bug that prevented your current medals from being displayed in the setup phase between rounds

Custom Game and Game Browser

  • Fixed a bug causing players to respawn in the enemy spawn room after being pinned against a car by an enemy Reinhardt on Oasis
  • A scoring requirement clarification has been added to the Capture the Flag settings, stating that each team’s flag will need to be secured before they can score
  • Fixed a bug that could cause certain settings to be displayed on the Custom Game’s information screen even when they weren’t being used
  • Fixed an issue preventing values from the “Ultimate Generation” setting from being correctly displayed
  • Heroes and maps are now sorted alphabetically under the “Find Game” filters in the Game Browser
  • Fixed a bug preventing Bastion’s Self-Repair ability from being disabled in the Custom Game settings


  • Fixed an issue preventing Bastion’s walking animation from being triggered while Self-Repair was in use
  • McCree no longer receives credit toward his on-fire meter when his Flashbang is used against Mei’s Ice Wall
  • Fixed a bug that kept a successful Roadhog hook from counting towards the “Match Players Hooked” statistic when the enemy player was killed on impact
  • Fixed an issue causing Zenyatta’s feet to clip through his robe while his Sanzang skin was equipped
  • Fixed a bug causing Reaper’s shotguns and D.Va’s mech to appear unusually large on the main menu


  • Training bots that are destroyed in the Practice Range are now displayed in the kill feed
  • Fixed a bug allowing more than one player to enter the Practice Range

Will you be playing as Orisa today?

[Source: Battle.net (1), (2), Play Overwatch]

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