As players have revealed, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare update 1.10 is now live on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, weighing in at 3GB on each platform.
The Reddit patch notes thread has updated to reveal everything that’s new today:
Featured Content and What’s New
- Show the last weapon used in Winner’s Circle instead of Payload
- 360 Rig Rotation in customization menu
- New weapons added to the Quartermaster
- Use of four Taunts instead of just one
- Simultaneous Deaths/Kills – This allows players to kill one another with ballistic and energy weapons at the same time. For example, if two players with low health fire at the exact same time, both players will die. The same would apply if two snipers headshot each other at the same time.
- Simultaneous Deaths/Kills – When this occurs, you’ll not only see it happen in the bottom left obituary, but you’ll also get a Medal called “Trade”. This is called “Kill Trade” in the options menu and will be defaulted to OFF in Custom and LAN. You can turn it on under the “Game” tab in CODCaster
General Fixes
- Fix for late players being shown as in a party even though they aren’t
- In FFA style modes, players would appear on colored teams in the lobby. This has been fixed
- Fix for various bugs that can occur after a host migration
- Fix for players appearing in 1st place despite losing in a FFA match against bots
- Bug fixes in the After Action Report Medals tab
- Fix for the weapon indicator at the bottom of the screen showing the wrong weapon after respawning in HC SnD
- On occasion, the scoreboard would briefly display a player’s score as the team score if the player had their scoreboard open during a round transition. This has been fixed
- Backend bug fixes
- Grind score limit is now 65 (was 85)
- Friendly Fire will now be disabled in Competitive playlists
Rave in the Redwoods
- Fixed a bug where mission rewards could show up incorrectly in the zombies menu
- Fix for a bug that would remove the icon a player had crafted if a host migration occurs
- Added 200 ranks and 10 new rank icons
- Added the R-VN and UDM to be unlockable for use via the Magic Wheel
Included in today’s new Quartermaster Update, the R-VN Energy Rifle is free to all Season Pass owners and delivers a 2-round energy burst. If you don’t have the Season Pass, you can earn the base version by getting 200 kills with an energy-based assault rifle (R3K, Type-2, or Volk) that is equipped with an accessory you’ve earned through weapon prestige, or by finding it in a Supply Drop.
Infinity Ward is also hosting a multiplayer livestream today on Twitch beginning at 4pm PT/7pm ET.
The Sabotage expansion for Infinite Warfare hits Xbox One and PC on March 2.
[Source: Reddit (1), (2), (3), Activision Support, Activision Blog, Infinity Ward (1), (2)]
Call of Duty series
Ranking the Best and Worst of the Call of Duty Series
15. Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified
It should come as no surprise that Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified is at the bottom of this list. Many thought Call of Duty could help save the struggling Vita, but this terrible game managed to do more harm than good. Read Heath's excellent review to find out why Declassified was everything wrong with the gaming industry.
14. Call of Duty: Roads to Victory
The PSP showing for Call of Duty didn't fare much better than the Vita version. It was a glitch-filled title with poor artificial intelligence. It was the last Call of Duty release before Modern Warfare would change the genre forever.
13. Call of Duty: World at War – Final Fronts
World at War - Final Fronts is the only PS2 Call of Duty title to release after Modern Warfare. As such, it was unfortunately a cash-in on the series' new found success. Thankfully, most had already moved onto PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 by the time this released.
12. Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Call of Duty: Finest Hour was the console version of the first Call of Duty game. It wasn't nearly as polished or as well received as its PC brethren, but it did succeed in getting the series onto consoles for the first time. It is hard to imagine that Call of Duty was once purely associated with PC gaming!
11. Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
Treyarch, who is now beloved thanks to the Black Ops series, had a rocky start with the franchise they are now associated with. Their first Call of Duty game was a version of Call of Duty 2 for consoles. It received good, but not great reviews as it was not nearly as good as the PC original.
10. Call of Duty Classic
The original PC release that kicked off the series with a bang finally got a proper console outing in 2009. While its gameplay had clearly aged, this is still a great version of the game. It just can't hold a candle to the later games that were so much better.
9. Call of Duty 3
Call of Duty 3 was one of the launch titles for PlayStation 3, and it was an easy recommendation. Treyarch developed one of the best World War 2 shooters of all-time, and it is still fun to go back to. Just know that the genre has changed a lot since 2006.
8. Call of Duty: Ghosts
Everyone was excited to see how Infinity Ward was going to top the Modern Warfare series. Sadly, they haven't done so yet. Instead, we got Call of Duty: Ghosts which was pretty much a disappointment in every area. It was a game caught between console generations, and one that wasn't compelling in single-player or multiplayer. It wasn't a bad game, but it failed to live up to the series' high expectations.
7. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
A lot of people absolutely love Black Ops 2. It tried a lot of innovative new ideas with its Strikeforce missions and branching campaigns, but they were good ideas that were not implemented very well. The popular Zombies mode returned, and the multiplayer was a blast. But the underwhelming single-player left a lot to be desired.
6. Call of Duty: World at War
After Call of Duty 4 revolutionized console shooters, it felt like such a step back going back to World War 2. Despite this disadvantage, Treyarch still managed to create a great game in World at War. It featured a fun cooperative campaign, some amazing sniping missions, and introduced Zombies to the Call of Duty crowd for the first time. Plus flamethrowers are just plain awesome.
5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 didn't quite live up to the high expectations that the first two games set, but it did serve as a proper ending to one of the greatest gaming trilogies ever made. Infinity Ward couldn't be expected to innovate an entire genre with every release, but Modern Warfare 3 did feel a little too much like fans had seen it all before.
4. Call of Duty: Black Ops
Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops is one of the most beloved games in the series and for good reason. The campaign was thought provoking, and provided some of the best twists in the series. The multiplayer was top notch, and the popular Zombies mode was brought to a new level.
3. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
After the downer that was Ghosts, it felt great to see Advanced Warfare get the series right back on-track. The exoskeletons made the characters more mobile as ever which only enhanced the gameplay. Its single-player featured an interesting story and an amazing performance by Kevin Spacey. Advanced Warfare is the best the series ever played.
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare launched the series into mainstream status. This innovative game featured one of the most intense, cinematic campaigns ever seen in a console shooter. It felt like you were playing an action movie! Throw in the game's stellar multiplayer, which changed how progression was handled in pretty much all of video games, and you have the most influential first-person shooter since DOOM.
1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was the perfect refinement of the evolution that was Call of Duty 4. The campaign was better, multiplayer was even more polished, and Infinity Ward introduced the best mode in the series' history - Special Ops. Special Ops, which was inspired by the Mile High Club mission in Modern Warfare, was a set of small challenge levels that could be played cooperatively. It was the most fun that the series ever offered, and hopefully it will make a comeback soon!