A 2.1GB download, Final Fantasy XV update 1.05 is live on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One a day ahead of schedule, adding a PS4 Pro Lite Mode offering up to 60 frames-per-second, Limited Time Quests, a higher level cap of 120, and more.
Here’s the full list of patch notes for the new Final Fantasy XV update:
- PlayStation 4 Pro Console Lite Mode compatibility with a maximum of 60fps
- New Timed Quests (limited-time hunts and contests)
- Higher level cap (up to 120)
- Increased camera roll capacity (store up to 200 photos)
- Portable music player for chocobo rides
- Conclusion of the Moogle Chocobo Carnival
- Various bug fixes
Additionally, the update adds two tracks from NieR: Automata – Inishie no Uta/Unmei and Weight of the World – to the radio.
The first timed hunt tasks you with fighting 100 cactuars and slactuars. If you’re successful you’ll receive 333 AP.
Featuring “a selection of powerful items designed to improve your angling and give you the edge in combat,” the Booster Pack+ will be available tomorrow, February 21, for Season Pass owners. The Magitek Exosuit won’t be included, as Square Enix is re-working the design.
On March 28, Square Enix will release the Chapter 13 update and Episode Gladiolus DLC.
[Source: Reddit (1), (2), NeoGAF, Gematsu, Eurogamer, PlayStation Store]
Best of 2016 Game Awards - RPG
Best of 2016 Game Awards - RPG
World of Final Fantasy
Square Enix may have tried to write love letters to Final Fantasy fans in the past, but World of Final Fantasy is the true love letter to these fans. The hilarious dialogue, innovative gameplay, and adorable Pokemon-esque features make World of Final Fantasy one of the best FF games in years, if not one of the best Final Fantasy spin-offs.
Zero Time Dilemma
Both on its own and as a piece of the cumulative Zero Escape puzzle, this easily has the best narrative I’ve seen in a game so far this year and should go down as one of the all-time greatest stories told through the medium.
Grand Kingdom
Grand Kingdom’s blend of board game-style map exploration and intriguing lane-based combat is something you won’t find anywhere else on PS4, and that’s really what makes it something to be savored.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
If your fingers are itching for big titles like Final Fantasy XV or Persona 5, consider keeping them busy with Leifthrasir’s fast-paced and frantic battles — this is one of the best remasters on PS4, and a can’t-miss for JRPG fans if you already let it pass you by in 2007.
Dragon Quest Builders
It’s easy to dismiss Dragon Quest Builders as just another Minecraft clone or a Minecraft-lite, but those who do will miss out on a very creative little adventure. Who would have thought building in the name of saving the world could be this entertaining? It’s a crafter’s paradise more than it is a builder’s, something you won’t know until you pick it up for yourself.
Final Fantasy XV
Square Enix has taken quite a few risks with Final Fantasy XV to make it different from past installments or even JRPGs overall. It does have some minor graphics issues, but regardless, they have pulled off an amazing experience. It’s definitely one that veterans and newcomers alike can immensely enjoy.
And the winner is...
Winner - Final Fantasy XV
Square Enix has taken quite a few risks with Final Fantasy XV to make it different from past installments or even JRPGs overall. It does have some minor graphics issues, but regardless, they have pulled off an amazing experience. It’s definitely one that veterans and newcomers alike can immensely enjoy.