Destiny private matches

Destiny Private Matches Introduced, Won’t Require Rise of Iron

A new Destiny update rolled out today in anticipation for the game’s upcoming expansion, Rise of Iron, that releases next week. The patch unlocks the highly anticipated Private Matches mode, which is available for only the PlayStation 4, not the PlayStation 3. The official Destiny Twitter account happily announced the news.

Battle your friends in Destiny’s Private Matches. Live in game for all current gen console players right now!

However, since this patch prepares Destiny for Rise of Iron, there has been some confusion as to whether the patch only works with the new expansion. Bungie has cleared it up with their own Twitter account, explaining that everyone on the current generation of consoles can play Private Matches.

All Guardians on PS4 and Xbox One are welcome to enjoy Private Matches. Rise of Iron not required, only Destiny.

The patch also includes in-game Clan features, including the new Clan Roster. It’s all already live, and all the info for signing up for a Clan can be found on the Bungie forums. The Destiny: Rise of Iron expansion will release next week on September 20, 2016.

[Source: Destiny (Twitter 1, 2, 3)]

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