The VOTE: Will You Support Konami and Metal Gear Without Hideo Kojima?

The VOTE allows you, the PSLS community, to cast your vote and determine once and for all which choice is definitively better. This is for all the marbles, and any other voting sort of analogies that you can think of. Feel free to discuss your choice in the comments below, but remember to keep it civil. We’ll have new votes every Wednesday, with results from the prior week posted at that time, so be sure to check back and make your voice heard. 

Last time we saw The VOTE, we were asking about PS2 emulation on the PS4 and if it mattered. How many of you care about PS2 games being made available? 41% of you are excited about the getting to play PS2 games on your PlayStation 4. 44% of you said yes, but only if you don’t have to buy your games again (which we now know you do). Finally, the last 14% of you said that you are content playing your new games. Have your thoughts changed now that we know the details of Sony’s plans with PS2 on PS4?

The week’s biggest news is Hideo Kojima finally being free of his contract with Konami, and using his new found freedom to create Kojima Productions and partner with Sony. While all of the focus seems to be on Kojima and his future endeavors, it got me curious about Konami’s future. Hideo Kojima will no longer be working on any Konami owned properties, so everything from Kojima Productions will have to be entirely new. If and when Konami releases entries in their well known game series, will you be supporting them? Whether it’s future Silent Hill games, Castlevania, or even a new Metal Gear, will Konami continue to get support from gamers, or have they burnt any goodwill they had left?

Now that Hideo Kojima is free from Konami, he can go on to make whatever new games he would like to. Konami, on th… in PlayStation LifeStyle’s Hangs on LockerDome

Check back during the week to see how your choice is stacking up. Have any suggestions for future polls? Email me, tweet me, or hit us up on Twitter @PSLifeStyle, and don't forget to vote each Wednesday.

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