PlanetSide 2 Update 2 is Out, Bringing With It a Whole Lot of Changes

PlanetSide 2 got a fairly large update today, one that made quite a few changes to the game.

While a number of changes found in the patch notes of Update 2 are small, there are several, such as some server changes, a new directive screen, and a change to the beacon spawn range that might be of interest. Check out the long list of changes below:

Server Adjustments:

Players on Rashnu will now be playing on Lithcorp.

Players on Searhus will now be playing on Crux.

Players on Xelas will now be playing on Palos.

Spawn Beacons

  • Squad Beacons near the majority of squads members will be squad spawn options regardless of range
  • Beacon spawn range changed from 600 meters to 1,000 meters


  • Small arms do less damage to Valkyries
  • Valkyrie bottom armor increased to 50%
  • Increased weapon thermal range from 50 to 200

Sunderer Cloak

  • Sunderer stealth cert line has been expanded, a new fifth cert has been added that when equipped not only provides all the perks of rank 4 stealth but also generates a cloaking bubble when deployed that cloaks all friendly infantry within it.

Infiltrator Cloaking Pass

  • Infiltrator cloaks now have additional states based on movement.
    • Crouching no change
    • Crouch walking is now much less visible
    • Standing is now less visible
    • Running is slightly less visible
    • Sprinting, no change


  • Small damage increase to ground vehicles
  • Increased initial projectile speed from 50 to 60
  • Increased max projectile speed from 180 to 220
  • Increased projectile acceleration from 0.75 to 1.25
  • Vehicle stealth no longer prevents rockets from seeking

Burst Carbines and Assault Rifles

· T1B Cylcer

o Recoil min magnitude increased from 0.27 to .4

o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.27 to .4

o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 2.50 to 0.75

o Recoil Increase Crouched increased from 0.1 to 0.15

o Recoil Increase increased from 0.1 to 0.15

o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

· Trac-5 Burst

o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 2.35 to 0.75

o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.3 to .5

o Recoil Increase Crouched increased from 0to 0.2

o Recoil Increase increased from 0 to 0.2

o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

· Gauss Rifle Burst

o Horizontal Recoil Min decreased from 0.168 to 0.16

o Horizontal Recoil Max decreased from 0.168 to 0.16

o Recoil min magnitude decreased from 0.472 to 0.4

o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.472 to 0.5

o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 1 to 0.5

o Recoil Increase Crouched increased from 1 to 0.1

o Recoil Increase decreased from 1 to 0.1

o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

· Gauss Compact Burst

o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.4 to 0.5

o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 1.75 to 0.75

o Recoil Increase increased from 0 to 0.1

o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

· Equinox VE2 Burst

o Recoil min magnitude decreased from 0.22 to 0.23

o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.22 to 0.4

o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 2.75 to 0.75

o Recoil Increase Crouched increased from 0.05 to 0.17

o Recoil Increase decreased from 1 to 0.17

o Recoil shots at min mag increased from 0 to 1

o Recoil Horizontal Min decreased from 0.16 to 0.15

o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

· Solstice VE3 Burst

o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.25 to 0.35

o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 2.8 to 0.75

o Recoil Increase Crouched increased from 0to 0.1

o Recoil Increase decreased from 0 to 0.1

o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

Directives Screen

Track our your progress with the games many directives with the new directive screen

New Directive

A new social directive has been added. Check it out for the chance to earn an in game reward.

Platinum Pack Bundle:

Get access to three platinum NS weapons and start making progress in your Exceptional Weapon Directives with this limited time offer.

Misc Addtions:

  • Added animation to the Character Create/Select button states
  • Updated text descriptions for [Cert Grant Item] Medal rewards

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed scroll bar showing when not needed at character create

  • Fixed an issue with list navigation not always functioning correctly

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the bottom part of the Outfit Creation UI to disappear

  • Fixed an issue where the repawn time remaining in the UI would reset when players nearby would die

  • Fix for the map not always showing faction colors for zones

  • Removed a superfluous “1” from the Create Character button

  • Fixed a bug that could place you on the wrong selected slot when returning from the loadout window

  • Fixed a bug where returning to the loadout window from Item selection could place you on the wrong class/vehicle tab

  • Outfit decals are now properly displayed in the map region info

  • Improvements to the responsiveness of the Loadout UI

  • A fix for the latest incarnation of the venerable “Being Revived by: Sgt. Marcus Aurelius” bug

  • Fixed an issue that could cause text to go missing after backing out from the character create/select screen

  • Legend should now appear properly when creating an outfit

  • PS4 player info window appearing randomly while viewing friend, squad, or proximity info should be fixed

  • The outfit member info buttons should no longer be missing from an outfit member’s profile

  • Cert counter on the HUD should no longer cut off text on larger numbers

  • Cert icon should no longer be missing from unblocked abilities/utilities in the loadout UI

  • Fixed player tracking issues with when holding the spot/interact button

Will any of the changes found in Update 2 impact the way you play PlanetSide 2 at all?

[Source: Daybreak Game Company]

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