Here’s a reminder that tomorrow, July 15, 2015, will be the very last day for the distribution of PlayStation Mobile content.
That means that no new PS Mobile games will be able to release after tomorrow, and no new purchases can be made. Users will have until September 10 of this year to re-download purchased content before PS Mobile shuts down entirely. In order to play PS Mobile content after September 10, users will have to register their devices.
The last PS Mobile game to ever come out, called Oh, Deer! released last month. PSLS was able to interview the developer and chat with him about his game, as well as his thoughts on PS Mobile shutting down.
Will you miss PlayStation Mobile? Which PS Mobile games are you favorites?
15 PS Mobile Games
15 PlayStation Mobile games you should play before they are gone forever.
15 PlayStation Mobile Games To Check Out
Adventure Bar Labyrinth
Adventure Bar Labyrinth is a turn-based RPG with a twist: you also run a bar! A gorgeous retro art-style makes this RPG one to check out!
Bike Rider DX
Bike Rider DX is a simple action game where the player has to navigate through tough obstacle courses on their bike. The gameplay is simple, addictive and with three medals to collect in each level, there is plenty to do!
Cardboard Castle
Cardboard Castle is one of the best looking games on the Vita with a gorgeous art style. Players will need to explore the cardboard world to save the day in each of the game's nine quests.
Chaos Rings
Chaos Rings has become a successful series on iOS for Square Enix. While only the first game is on PlayStation Mobile, it is still a RPG worth checking out.
Console Saga
Console Saga is a unique title that takes inspiration from gaming's past. Players play as an obsolete handheld gaming console (that looks suspiciously like a Game Boy) who must save classic games from getting eradicated.
Fuel Tiracas
FuturLab has developed some great games for PlayStation systems and one of their best might be the addictive Fuel Tiracas. While the gameplay may be part Whack-a-Mole and part Simon Says, it is fully addictive.
Gun Commando
Gun Commando is an ode to FPS classics such as DOOM and Duke Nukem. It features over 20 levels of difficult, retro gameplay. If you have any nostalgia for classic shooters, then Gun Commando is worth checking out.
Some genre mash-ups don't make any sense until they happen. Who knew that tower-defense and puzzle games could go together so well? Apparently, developer Necrosoft Games knew since Gunhouse combines these two genres into a great game.
Life of Pixel
Life of Pixel spans several eras of classic gaming with its graphical style changing with each one. This platformer is one that needs to be experienced.
Passing Time
Want to play a football game that is doing something different from what FIFA does every year? Then check out Passing Time, a unique Sony published mini-game collection that is based off the world's most popular sport.
Picbox brings nonograms, better known as the puzzles found in Picross, to PlayStation Mobile. Enough said, really.
Rymdkapsel is a minimalist take on real time strategy games. Throw in a clear Tetris influence and you have one of the more interesting takes on the RTS genre.
Super Crate Box
While developer Vlambeer may be better known for Luftrausers, they previously released Super Crate Box on PlayStation Mobile. It is a challenging, addictive action game that players can play for hours without getting bored.
Ten By Eight
Ten By Eight is a fun puzzle game that has a focus on building combos. Add in a cute art style and you have one of the best puzzle games available on PlayStation Mobile.
Tokyo Jungle Mobile
Tokyo Jungle Mobile manages to cram the fantastic gameplay of the PS3 cult classic onto the Vita.