It’s almost here! Yes, E3 2015 is just around the corner and will start in just a few short days and will bring with it, a ton of announcements, reveals, previews, interviews and more.
While we’ve been ramping up to the big event with our “Road to E3 2015” coverage (which you should definitely check out since we’re running amazing stories to get up to speed and then some for the big event), it’s time the PlayStation LifeStyle staff weighed in on our E3 2015 predictions and expectations.
What do you think of our E3 predictions and expectations? Too much? Aiming too low? Let us know that, and what YOU expect from this year’s E3, in the comments below.
Stay tuned to PlayStation LifeStyle all throughout E3 for the best PlayStation coverage out there. We’ll both be reporting live from the show floor, and be posting ’round the clock for the latest updates.
Related Reading:
- E3 2015 Third-Party Press Conferences Preview
- E3 2015 – Predicting Project Morpheus’ Would-Be Path to Success
- E3 2015 – Weighing Up Sony’s Competition Ahead of the Event
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E3 2015 Predictions and Expectations
Paulmichael Contreras
I think this is the year that we see Gran Turismo 7 on the PS4, though a release date will not be mentioned. I also predict (hope beyond hope!) that we will get a solid release date for No Man's Sky.
Zarmena Khan
Other than the games that have already been announced or are expected to appear at E3, I really want to hear something about Agent, the rumored Mafia game, and an LA Noire sequel. I think it's about time we're told whether Agent has been canceled or not, whether that Mafia rumor has some truth to it or not, and whether we'll ever see a sequel to LA Noire or not because it's one of my favorite games from the last gen.
Stephen Bitto
I have very high hopes for E3 this year. Sony's first-party studios, in particular, should have a ton to show. I think we'll see Horizon from Guerrilla, but also possibly a big reveal like The Getaway 3 or Legend of Dragoon 2.
With Morpheus getting a large chunk of time, a Resistance reboot with VR support would be a welcome surprise. As for third-parties, I think we may see Watch Dogs 2 from Ubisoft and Kingdom Hearts 3 from Square Enix. I also hope Onimusha makes a comeback because our fans on social media have been screaming for it.
So to sum it all up, E3 has no chance of living up to my extremely lofty expectations!
Chandler Wood
My Sony wishlist is just to get more of a lock on first and second-party studios' titles.
What's next from Insomniac? How about Guerilla? Media Molecule? Sucker Punch? Santa Monica? Quantic Dream? Ready at Dawn? I'm sure that Sony will spend some time with their third-party partners such as Activision, as they don't have their own press conference, but I want Sony themselves to really wow us. Knock it out of the park like they did in 2013. Bring the thunder and don't let up. With a healthy lead over the Xbox One, this is the year to really show fans that PS4 is the console of choice and cement that victory.
Alex Co
Oh, man! E3 is here once again and it's going to mean surprises, disappointments and a ton of work!
I think people will pleasantly be surprised at what Sony has to show this year. Do I expect announcements? You bet!
However, I'm still not 100 percent sure what Sony's plans are for holiday 2015. Will The Nathan Drake Collection act as the PlayStation 4's "big" game for the holiday? Maybe, but I'm hoping it isn't. But regardless, I'm definitely looking forward to how Star Wars Battlefront actually looks and plays on a PS4.
Oh, and The Last Guardian is reportedly making an appearance and I can safely say now it will disappoint no matter what given the super high expectations gamers have for it. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.
Mack Ashworth
I'm excited to see Uncharted 4 again, as Naughty Dog always put on a good show. Then there's the huge number of PlayStation first-party titles which may, or may not, be revealed. So many studios, so many potential announcements!
Hopefully the PS Vita gets some love, too!