Let’s be honest here, did anyone really think that anything else released in May would do better than The Witcher 3? Though there were some other games that released that are worth checking out. Which of the games that released in May are must plays, and which one achieved our May 2015 Game of the Month? Find out in the gallery below!
Reader’s Choice
Now that we’ve had our say in the Game of the Month, we want to give you a chance to vote in our reader’s choice poll. Will your choice match up with the staff’s decision? Decide which game you thought was top in May by voting for your favorite below.
Looking forward to this next month, Arkham Knight is finally releasing, though The Elder Scrolls Online also debuts in June. Be sure to check back at the beginning of July to see who won our June Game of the Month, and vote for the reader's choice winner.
Note that scores do not necessarily guarantee a nominee or a winner, as different reviewers may give differing opinions. Nominees and winners are chosen via a discussion among the entire PSLS staff.
May 2015 must-play Gallery
May 2015 Must-Play Gallery
The Witcher 3. That could be this entire list, but if for some reason you aren't picking it up, or you need something else, here are the games we think you should be playing from May.
Magicka 2
Those adorable, bumbling little mages are back, and it's just as fun as the first one if not more so. Magicka 2 may have a simple appearance, but it hides a complex and fun multiplayer game that some of our staff just can't get enough of.
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
While it didn't quite hit the mark that The New Order provided, it was still a great excuse to get back into the shoes of BJ Blazkowicz to annihilate swaths of Nazis, which is a wonderfully powerful feeling.
A revolving limo that leads to a simplistic looking, yet challenging puzzle game. Over the top 70's styling and hilariously grotesque and humorous, we found that Roundabout is one of those games that you can lose hours in without even realizing it.
Destiny: House of Wolves
A great expansion for Destiny, House of Wolves brought a number of needed changes, while also providing one of the most fun horde mode arenas and PvP events. Offering players full customization of their gear and not backtracking on earned rewards brought us back into the Destiny fold full swing.
The May 2015 Game of the Month is...
Are you really going to be surprised? Doubtful. The May 2015 Game of the Month is...
The Witcher 3
Hundreds of hours of content, a massive and detailed open world with tons to discover, and interwoven sidequests that occur naturally and change as you do other quests within the game? The Witcher 3 is a huge win for gamers and a great example of what is possible in gaming.