The VOTE: The Witcher 3 or Dragon Age Inquisition?

The VOTE allows you, the PSLS community, to cast your vote and determine once and for all which choice is definitively better. This is for all the marbles, and any other voting sort of analogies that you can think of. Feel free to discuss your choice in the comments below, but remember to keep it civil. We’ll have new votes every Wednesday, with results from the prior week posted at that time, so be sure to check back and make your voice heard. 

In a seemingly biased question last week, we asked you would win E3 this year — Sony or Microsoft? Out of 610 votes, 68% believe that Sony will win with their focus on gamers, VR, and their general lead they have right now. 32% of the voters think that Microsoft will have something up their sleeve with Windows 10 integration for the Xbox One. Either way, one thing is 100% for sure: Gamers will win E3 2015.

This last weekend our latest entry in the Versus video series released. We came to our own conclusions on which one came out on top between The Witcher 3 and Dragon Age: Inquisition, but we wanted to offer you the chance to vote for your favorite. While they are both Western fantasy RPGs, they also offer a number of differences between them. So which one will it be? The Wild Hunt? Or the Inquisition? It’s your turn to VOTE!

Two massive Western RPGs. One winner chosen by you. It’s your turn to VOTE for The Witcher 3 or Dragon Age: Inquis… in PlayStation LifeStyle’s Hangs on LockerDome

Check back during the week to see how your choice is stacking up. Have any suggestions for future polls? Email me, tweet me, or hit us up on Twitter @PSLifeStyle, and don't forget to vote each Wednesday.

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