A whole lot of indies and games that are finally getting their PS4 release came out in April, but so did NetherRealm’s bloody fighter. Which of the games that released in April are must plays, and which one achieved our April 2015 Game of the Month? Find out in the gallery below!
Reader’s Choice
Now that we’ve had our say in the Game of the Month, we want to give you a chance to vote in our reader’s choice poll. Will your choice match up with the staff’s decision? Decide which game you thought was top in April by voting for your favorite below.
Looking forward to this next month, The Witcher 3 is looking to be a crowd favorite. Are there any other titles in May that can take it on? Be sure to check back at the beginning of June to see who won our May Game of the Month, and vote for the reader's choice winner.
Note that scores do not necessarily guarantee a nominee or a winner, as different reviewers may give differing opinions. Nominees and winners are chosen via a discussion among the entire PSLS staff.
April 2015 Must-Play Gallery
April 2015 Must-Play Gallery
A number of great smaller titles released in April, as well as son that are finally seeing their way to the PS4. Which games were must-play titles? Here are the ones we think you ought to be playing.
In Ziggurat, you are a wizard in a randomly generated dungeon, out to kill a whole bunch of monsters to level up and unlock new spells and characters in order to better kill the next set of monsters. If you love playing as a magic user, this game is one you should check out.
Finally seeing a release on the PS4, Supergiant Games' first title before Transistor is a treat to play. Yeah, it's been available on just about every platform conceivable, but this is a big win for PlayStation gamers.
Shovel Knight
Another game that released first elsewhere sees a release on PS4, adding in fun secrets like fighting Kratos. Don't be fooled by the looks though, Shovel Knight is a tough game, but one that PS4 and Vita gamers should definitely pick up.
A fun little puzzle game that was free on plus last month, MonsterBag is delightfully dark, and a great addition to anyone's Vita arsenal.
Axiom Verge
Fully embracing and wholly redefining the Metroidvania genre, Axiom Verge is an impressive title built by one man, with a vast amount of secrets and a huge world to explore. If Metroidvania is your thing, Axiom Verge is a must.
Broken Age
Broken Age has been out for a while, but with the release of Part 2, PS4 (and Vita) gamers are finally getting their hands on the full story. This is classic Double Fine adventure gaming at its (double) finest.
Tropico 5
El Presidente finally reigns supreme on the PS4. Tropico 5 has been out for nearly a year, but recently released on PS4, finally giving PlayStation gamers the ultimate city builder and political simulator.
Titan Souls
One arrow. One hit. That's the mantra in Titan Souls, which revels in one hit kills, both for the monsters and you. It's not an easy game, but the sheer simplicity is a satisfying foray into the core of difficult games.
The April 2015 Game of the Month is...
There were a lot of great games to play in April, but one title came out on top in a clear and bloody finisher. The Arpil 2015 game of the month is...
Mortal Kombat X
This fighter sought to push the boundaries of not only what was possible in fighting games, but what was acceptable with video games in general. Over the top finishers, a tight and fun combat system, and a bevy of unlockables, secrets, and kontent make Mortal Kombat X the clear victor.