The VOTE: Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter?

The VOTE allows you, the PSLS community, to cast your vote and determine once and for all which choice is definitively better. This is for all the marbles, and any other voting sort of analogies that you can think of. Feel free to discuss your choice in the comments below, but remember to keep it civil. We’ll have new votes every Wednesday, with results from the prior week posted at that time, so be sure to check back and make your voice heard. 

Last week we wanted to know what your favorite gaming April Fool’s joke of all time was. You all had such a variety of answers, but Sheng Long in Street Fighter, the Legend of Zelda movie prank, and our own MGS4 trophy list were among the highest rated. 

Mortal Kombat X is officially releasing next week, though many of you may have it in your hands already. In about a year we can expect Street Fighter V, exclusively on PS4. With this in mind, we wanted to put the two biggest fighter series in the arena together to duke it out for the championship. Does the blood and violence of Mortal Kombat strike a fatality on Ryu and friends, or does Street Fighter perform a KO on all of Earthrealm? Cast your VOTE!

With Mortal Kombat X releasing next week and Sony having the exclusive on Street Fighter’s next game, we want to k… in PlayStation LifeStyle’s Hangs on LockerDome

Check back during the week to see how your choice is stacking up. Have any suggestions for future polls? Email me, tweet me, or hit us up on Twitter @PSLifeStyle, and don't forget to vote each Wednesday.

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