PlayStation LifeStyle Staff Gaming Resolutions for 2015

It’s the start of another year, and for a lot of people, that means New Year resolutions! Is it to eat more healthy food? Spend more time studying? The list goes on and on.

Well, the staff of PlayStation LifeStyle is here to give you our gaming resolutions for 2015. Yes, gaming might be a trivial affair in the grand scheme of things, but there’s no reason to not be proactive, right?

Alex Co:

For me, my big gaming resolution for 2015 is easy and that’s to finish more games. I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve started a game, stopped playing (mostly due to work concerning the site) and never coming back to finish it since a new “big” game has just been released. I’m hoping I have the resolve to finish more of these games that we cover both for my personal enjoyment, and as well as for “work.” 

Here’s to hoping, eh?

 Cameron Teague:

My gaming resolution is to be less apprehensive to games that aren’t in my comfort zone and dive deeper into those specific games before I put them on a shelf and never play them again. I made it through about 30 minutes of Alien: Isolation before selling the game and I have a habit of getting bored easily with PSN/Indie games. Those are things I hope to gain a bit more patience come 2015.

Heath Hindman:


Zarmena Khan:

This sounds like a generic resolution, but I really want to get through my video game backlog at least on my PlayStation 3 (the PC backlog I don’t even want to look at). I also want to try to platinum at least one game. I finish games, but I’m not a trophy hunter and I feel weird not having a single platinum under my belt. Lastly, I want to give RPGs a chance. I shy away from them because they generally require you to invest a lot of time and patience that I don’t have.

Ryan Ordway:

I will make a dent in my amazing collection of games littering my PS4’s hard drive. I will give some love to my poor, neglected Vita and his younger brother the PS TV and finish up some of the games that have been languishing on my memory card. I am going to make some more progress on my game prototypes, release them and sell them to Microsoft for $2 billion and buy Notch’s house.

Jason Dunning:

I’m resolving to work through my backlog of PS3 games so I can sell my system and focus solely on the PS4. So far, my immediate list of games to play includes LittleBigPlanet Karting, Ni no Kuni, Metro: Last Light, and DmC Devil May Cry. I know the last two are available on PS4, but I’d rather play the PS3 versions for free (thanks to PS+) than spend money on the PS4 ones.

Chandler Wood:

My 2015 gaming resolution is to actually take some time to play some of my backlog of games, returning to my former glory as a Platinum trophy hunter. 2014 started strong, but ended as a weak year for Platinums for me (thanks to inordinate amounts of time spent with Destiny). Currently at 113 total Platinums, I am hoping to revisit many half finished trophy lists to bring that number up quite a bit in 2015. It’s amazing how much trophy hunting can expand each game, and I hope to use 2015 to re-ignite that fire within myself and rise through the ranks of trophy hunters.

Dan Oravasaari:

I normally don’t like making resolutions, but in 2015 I will be making more of a point to be playing other games than Destiny, and spending less time gaming overall. The last few months of 2014 have really been filled with a lot of wasted time at the cost of certain tasks I want/need to handle, so I want to be more productive over the coming year.

Mack Ashworth:

I’ll be aiming to invest myself more in indie games, starting with those I’ve collected through PlayStation Plus. I’m also eager to grind out more levels in my PS Vita RPG collection, which has seen far too little action this past year.

Mark Labbe:

I’d like to play more PS Vita games, definitely. I’d also like to finish more games — I have a huge list of PS4 games that I’ve started but still need to beat.

Paulmichael Contreras:

Since I’m back on the Vita train as Sony promises to give us more games, I suppose I resolve to play more Vita games. For starters, I’m going to finish Borderlands 2, which is great on the go.

What’s your gaming resolution for 2015? Is it the same as those of the staff? Share ’em in the comments below.

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