PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList: November 22 & 23, 2014 – Holiday Releases Edition

Far Cry 4, Dragon Age, and LittleBig Planet are all released! What is everyone choosing to play now that nearly every major holiday release is on the table?

Here’s what everyone is playing this weekend:

Alex Co (@excaliburps)

I’ll try and set some time aside for Dragon Age: Inquisition. Hopefully, I can sneak in some GTAV as well. On top of that, I’ll still be playing Advanced Warfare even if my connection hates me. I love me some multiplayer shooters and so far this year, Advanced Warfare is the best one out there.

Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

Assassin’s Creed Unity co-op is amazingly fun, so I think I’ll be spending time with three friends in Paris. I will also be playing Destiny with D’yani finally, and 

D’yani Wood (@Dyani)

As Chandler will likely be playing Far Cry 4 to finish it for his review, I will probably be spending time in my own gaming hovel playing as my favorite Sunflower in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare. Oooh! And Fantasy Life on my 3DS.

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

Since I just finished Assassin’s Creed Unity’s story, I plan on spending some time getting the rest of the locked chests around Paris. Hopefully, this will let me focus a bit more on Far Cry 4, since I am barely into that and I really want to ride an elephant.

Heath Hindman (@TheHeathHindman)

It’s all about the handhelds as I’ll be spending about 30 total hours in transit this weekend. I’m packin’ the Vita with Puyo-Puyo TetrisGirls Und Panzer, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, and Persona 4. My 3DS case’s slots are occupied by Mario 3D Land, Animal Crossing, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call. The old standby PSP is loaded with PSOne classics, so I’ve got all my bases covered. I just hope I remember to bring the charge cables….

Jason Dunning (@Jasonad21)

It’s going to be Pokemon Omega Ruby all weekend. I’ve already settled on Mudkip as my starter, even though Swampert’s Mega Evolution is the least cool of the bunch.

Mack Ashworth (@GamingWithMack)

I’ll be taking a look at Escape Dead Island on PC, and my PS4 will be treated to a lengthy Call of Duty play session!

Mark Labbe (@markymark255)

I’ll be playing a hefty list of games this weekend, including Grand Theft Auto V, Far Cry 4, and LittleBigPlanet 3. Yes, it is going to be a great weekend!

Louis Edwards (@ftwrthtx)

My youngest daughter is having a bunch of kids over for her 17th birthday so I’ll be relegated to the TV in the bedroom and maybe playing some GTA V, Evil Within, or Destiny. There will be Madden on Sunday as I get ready for the Cowboys to return from their bye week.

Paulmichael Contreras (@T3mpr1x)

LittleBigPlanet 3! LBP3 LBP3, LBP3 LBP3. Oh, what I meant to say was, since I got the Popit glitch seemingly fixed, I’m going to be playing the hell out of my favorite platformer with the family. I might squeeze in some Minecraft, but I’m mostly just going to play as much LittleBigPlanet 3 as I can between a final exam and errands during the weekend.

Ryan (@decimilator)

Advanced Warfare, and probably a lot more Far Cry 4. Just like Red Dead Redemption I’m spending most of my time running around hunting, I don’t know that I’ll ever finish the story. Need to catch a tiger by its toe and make him pay $50 every day.

Zarmena Khan (@Zarmena)

I’m still playing Assassin’s Creed Unity. I think I’ll be able to beat the game this weekend.

With so many games out, what are you playing this weekend? Let us know what you’ll be playing. 

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