If you think that the a new PlayStation 4 is pricey in the US, then you should take a look at prices of the gaming console in other countries.
A post by Bloomberg looks at the cost of a PS4 is 45 countries, with the most expensive places to get a PS4 at the top. At number 1 is Brazil, where it costs around $1,702 to get a new PS4 there. Argentina is a close second, with it costing some $1,387 for the gaming console.
The United States is all the way down at number 44, where it costs us around $399 to get a PS4. Japan, according to the list, is the only country that actually sells the PS4 for a cheaper amount ($392).
Although $399 is still rather pricey for a video game console, it is still a good deal compared to many of the other countries out there. Check out the list below for the top 15 most expensive countries to buy a PS4 in.
- Brazil — 3,999 real ($1,702)
- Argentina* — 10,999 pesos ($1,388)
- Sweden — 4,399 kronor ($692)
- Colombia — 1.4 million pesos ($688)
- Norway — 3,999 kroner ($672)
- Chile — 379,990 pesos ($666)
- India — 39,990 rupees ($654)
- Denmark — 3,499 kroner ($653)
- Finland — 449 euros ($625)
- Poland — 1,899 zloty ($625)
- Indonesia — 7 million rupiah ($620)
- Thailand — 19,900 baht ($615)
- Turkey — 1,349 lira ($608)
- Hungary — 133,900 forint ($598)
- South Africa — 6,299 rand ($586)
Be sure to click on the Bloomberg link below to see the whole list. What do you think of these prices? Let us know in the comments.
[Source: Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal]