Angry Birds Publisher Rovio Laying Off Around 16 Percent of Workforce

Rovio, the company that brought you Angry Birds, just announced that they will be laying off up to 130 employees in Finland, which correlates to around 16 percent of the company’s workforce.

CEO Mikael Hed explained in a statement released today that the layoffs are an effort to not only better organize the company, but also to cut costs because Rovio has apparently not been growing as fast as higher-ups expected.

We have been building our team on assumptions of faster growth than have materialized. As a result, we announced today that we plan to simplify our organization around our three key businesses with the highest growth potential: games, media, and consumer products. Unfortunately, we also need to consider possible employee reductions of a maximum of 130 people in Finland (approximately 16% of workforce).

The cuts come ahead of the Angry Birds movie, which will be out in 2016 and will star Peter Dinklage, Bill Hader, Danny McBride, and others. What do you think about all these layoffs? Which Angry Bird titles do you play?

[Source: Rovio, IMDb]

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