Wolfenstein: The New Order Trophy Guide

Welcome to PlayStation LifeStyle’s trophy guide for Wolfenstein: The New Order! This is a very obtainable platinum as the trophies here aren’t that difficult. Most of the trophies are tied to unlocking perks. The perks are unlocked by completing simple kill related objectives. The perks and upgrades do not carry over if you start a new game after beating the game. However, if you still need to unlock some of the miscellaneous trophies after completing the game, use chapter select. Chapter select will allow you to keep all of your perks. It will also keep all of the collectibles you have found and tell you which ones you still need in each chapter. A good chunk of these trophies can be earned by farming kills for whatever objective you may need. Restarting a checkpoint will keep your progress toward a trophy and allow you to kill the same enemy or group of enemies. So if you find a good area to farm some kills, by all means, farm away!

Spoiler Alert: Unfortunately, there are spoilers in this guide. If you are trying to avoid spoilers, it’s recommended that you complete the game before reading any further.

Wolfenstein Master – Platinum

– Collect all trophies.

Follow this guide!

Gunner – Bronze

– Save allied planes.

This trophy is story related.

Fergus Saved – Silver

– Choose to save Fergus.

This trophy is story related. Look at Wyatt and press Square.

Wyatt Saved – Silver

– Choose to save Wyatt.

This trophy is story related. Look at Fergus and press Square.

Viva le resistance! – Bronze

– Locate the resistance.

This trophy is story related.

Power to the laser – Bronze

– Find the Laserkraftwerk.

This trophy is story related.

Hidden in the deep – Bronze

– Locate the underwater stash.

This trophy is story related.

London Uprising – Silver

– Defeat the London Monitor.

This trophy is story related.

Deliverance – Silver

– Release friend.

This trophy is story related.

Liberation – Gold

– Complete game on any difficulty.

This trophy is story related.

Super hero – Silver

– Complete game on I AM DEATH INCARNATE! (or ÜBER)

See the trophy Über hero for more details.

Über  hero – Silver

– Complete game on ÜBER.

ÜBER is the hardest difficulty in the game and can be selected immediately from the main menu. If you’re an FPS veteran, you should have no problems with this difficulty. There are a few areas that can be troublesome though. Just follow these tips and you should get through it. Aim for the head, play through the game as stealthily as possible, always use cover, use grenades on the mechanical enemies to stun them and you can sneak or run past all of the enemies to the next checkpoint.

However, if you aren’t feeling like playing the whole game there is an exploit that works on both PS3 and PS4 that allows you to skip almost the whole game. In order for this to work, you must not download the patch. If you have already downloaded it, delete the Game Data and play offline. What you need to do here is get to the very last chapter and then switch the difficulty to ÜBER. Finish the last chapter and the trophy will pop.

All that glitters – Bronze

– Collect 25 gold items

See the trophy Heart of gold for more details.

Heart of gold – Silver

– Collect all gold items

See the trophy Secrets revealed IV for more details.

The lives of others – Bronze

– Collect all letters.

See the trophy Secrets revealed IV for more details.

Secrets revealed I – Silver

– Solve the first Enigma code.

See the trophy Secrets revealed IV for more details.

Secrets revealed II – Silver

– Solve the second Enigma code.

See the trophy Secrets revealed IV for more details.

Secrets revealed III – Silver

– Solve the third Enigma code.

See the trophy Secrets revealed IV for more details.

Secrets revealed IV – Silver

– Solve the fourth Enigma code.

There are a total of 132 collectibles – 50 gold items, 72 enigma items and 10 letters. They are all not that difficult to find as the chapters are fairly linear. As long as you thoroughly search each area you should have no problem finding them. There are a couple things that will make this much easier. First, you can’t miss any of the collectibles. They can all be acquired via chapter select from the main menu. The chapter select will also break down what collectibles you have or don’t have for each individual chapter. Second, stealth killing enemy commanders will reveal collectible locations on your map. A collectible is saved as soon as you pick it up, you don’t need to hit the next checkpoint or find it again if you die.

The Enigma puzzles are solved in the main menu under the “Extras” option. Listed below are all of the solutions to the puzzles.

Enigma 1:

01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09

08, 07, 06, 05, 04, 03, 02, 01, 09

Enigma 2:

02, 04, 06, 08, 01, 03, 05, 07, 09

07, 05, 03, 01, 08, 06, 04, 02, 09

Enigma 3:

03, 06, 09, 03, 06, 09, 03, 06, 09

06, 03, 09, 06, 03, 09, 06, 03, 09

Enigma 4:

04, 08, 03, 07, 02, 06, 01, 05, 09

05, 01, 06, 02, 07, 03, 08, 04, 09

Scout I – Bronze

– Unlock stealth perk 1.

Stealth kill an enemy commander. You’ll get this in chapter 1 as it will be part of the tutorial.

Knife throwing – Bronze

– Unlock stealth perk 2.

Stealth kill 5 enemies. Crouch walk and press R3 behind an enemy while undetected to silently take them out. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Knife sheath + – Bronze

– Unlock stealth perk 3.

Silently kill 5 enemies with throwing knives. Throwing knives are found through out the game. Press R3 to throw them at unsuspecting soldiers. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Knife sheath ++ – Bronze

– Unlock stealth perk 4.

Stealth kill 20 enemies. This should come over time as you play but you can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Silent shot – Bronze

– Unlock stealth perk 5.

Silently kill 10 enemies with a silenced handgun. A suppressor for the handgun can be found in chapter 1. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint. The  enemies must not be alerted for the kills to count.

Vampire – Bronze

– Unlock stealth perk 6.

Stealth kill 5 enemies with overcharged health. What you need to do is pick up a health pack(s) to get your health above 100. When its above 100, stealth kill an enemy or enemies before it falls to 100 or below. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Scout II – Bronze

– Unlock stealth perk 7.

Stealth Kill 5 commanders. There are many different areas where the commanders will be located. You’ll know you are close when a proximity meter pops up on the right hand side of the screen. Follow the meter and stealth kill the commander. You can farm this by killing a commander and restarting the checkpoint.

Assassin – Silver

– Unlock stealth perk 8.

Stealth kill 50 soldiers and stealth kill 5 Kampfhunds (the dogs). This will add up as you play through the game but you can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Deadeye – Bronze

– Unlock tactical perk 1.

3 Headshots with an assault rifle and 1 headshot with the handgun. Not much to say here, just aim for the head!

Quick draw – Bronze

– Unlock tactical perk 2.

Perform 40 headshot while looking down the sights. This will undoubtedly come as you play through the game. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Quick regeneration – Bronze

– Unlock tactical perk 3.

Overcharge your health to reach 200. You’ll need to find enough health packs to reach 200. Clear an area and look for health packs but don’t pick them up. Remember where they are and quickly pick them all up. You’ll need to be quick as your health ticks down consistently when you are over 100.  A good place to earn this is in chapter 6 in the lab after climbing up the elevator shaft.

Gun magazine + – Bronze

– Unlock tactical perk 4.

Kill 15 enemies with the handgun from behind cover. Lean up against a wall and press L1 to attach yourself to the cover and use L3 to look out or over it. Kill 15 enemies while looking around cover. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Shotgun magazine + – Bronze

– Unlock tactical perk 5.

Indirectly kill 15 enemies using the Shrapnel mode on the shotgun. You’ll get the shrapnel option in chapter 11. You’ll begin the chapter with it, press Right on the D-Pad to equip it with shotgun out. Now, shoot at the ground or walls near enemies to kill them with the ricocheting shrapnel. You can’t shoot the enemies directly, it must bounce off something before hitting them.  You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

AR magazine + – Bronze

– Unlock tactical perk 6.

Kill 80 enemies from behind cover with the assault rifle. Lean up against a wall and press L1 to attach yourself to the cover and use L3 to look out or over it. Kill 80 enemies while looking around cover. This should over time as you play through the game but you can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Marksman magazine + – Bronze

– Unlock tactical perk 7.

Kill 3 enemies with the Marksman without exiting the scope. The earliest this can be done is chapter 8. Equip the Marksman and press L2 to look down the scope or sights. Next, kill 3 enemies without letting go of L1.

Quick reload – Silver

– Unlock tactical perk 8.

100 Assault rifle kills, 50 handgun kills and 25 Marksman rifle kills. This is yet another trophy that should come over time as you play through the game. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Double reload – Bronze

– Unlock assault perk 1.

Kill 10 enemies while dual wielding. Once you pick up 2 of the same weapon, you can dual wield them. Select it from the weapon wheel by holding R1. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Endurance I – Bronze

– Unlock assault perk 2.

Kill 3 enemies while sprint sliding. To sprint slide, press L3 to sprint and then press Circle to slide. While you’re sliding, shoot and get 3 kills. It can be 1 can kill at a time, you don’t need to kill 3 enemies during 1 slide. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Scavenger – Bronze

– Unlock assault perk 3.

Kill 3 enemies in a row while dual wielding without releasing the fire buttons. This can be done in many different areas through out the game. This is best done with the assault rifles. Get 3 enemies near each other and hold down L2 and R2 killing all 3 without letting go of L2 and R2.

Bullet feeder – Bronze

– Unlock assault perk 4.

Kill 20 enemies while using a mounted turret. This is another trophy that can be earned as you playthrough the game. There will be many different sections that allow you to use turrets. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Endurance II – Bronze

– Unlock assault perk 5.

Kill 5 enemies in 10 seconds with a detached turret. The best place to earn this is in the Deathshead area in chapter 1. There will be waves of enemies shooting at you and a turret for you to defend yourself. To detach a turret, run up to one and press and hold Square.

Autopanzer – Bronze

– Unlock assault perk 6.

Drain a fully powered up LKW into an enemy without missing. You wont get the LKW until chapter 6 but the best place to earn this trophy wont be until the final boss fight. Make sure the LKW is fully charged and when the boss surrounds himself with his shield just start shooting until the LKW is fully emptied.

LKW battery + – Bronze

– Unlock assault perk 7.

Indirectly kill 5 enemies with the LKW reflection. Press right on the D-Pad to switch firing modes. Aim at the ground just in front of an enemy to have the shot reflect up hitting the enemy. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Dual-wield expert – Silver

– Unlock assault perk 8.

Kill 100 enemies while dual wielding and kill 25 enemies with the LKW. Pick up 2 of the same weapon to dual wield. This is another trophy that will come over time as you play through the game. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Throwback – Bronze

– Unlock demolition perk 1.

Kill 2 enemies with a single grenade. Easy enough, throw a grenade into a group of enemy soldiers. This can be achieved at almost any chapter in the game.

Grenade pouch + – Bronze

– Unlock demolition perk 2.

Kill 10 enemies with grenades. This will be earned as you play through the game, but you can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Grenade pouch ++ – Bronze

– Unlock demolition perk 3.

Kill an enemy commander with a grenade. When the commander tracker pops up in the right side of the screen, follow it and throw a grenade at the commander. Simple enough!

Bullseye – Bronze

– Unlock demolition perk 4.

Kill 5 mechanical enemies with grenades. The earliest this will become obtainable is chapter 3. Throw grenades at the small flying attack drones. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Rocket magazine + – Bronze

– Unlock demolition perk 5.

Kill 5 enemies in 10 seconds with dual wielding rocket launchers. The rocket upgrade for the assault rifle will become available in chapter 12. Press right on the D-Pad to use it. Once you have that, dual wield the assault rifles and shoot rockets at large groups of enemies. The beginning of chapter 16 is a good place to try and earn this. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Vaporize – Bronze

– Unlock demolition perk 6.

Indirectly kill 5 enemies with dropped grenades. To get an enemy to drop a grenade you need to shoot them when they pull out a grenade before they can throw it. When in a fire fight, take cover and don’t kill the enemy. The best you can do to bait them into throwing grenades is waiting. If you can wait the enemy out for just minute or 2 they will sometimes start throwing grenades. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Sentinel – Bronze

– Unlock demolition perk 7.

Kill 5 enemies with thrown back grenades. If an enemy throws a grenade and it lands right near you, you can throw it back. Press Square when the throwback prompt pops up on screen. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Hardened – Silver

– Unlock demolition perk 8.

Kill 50 enemies with grenades and or rockets. Another easy one, this also be earned as you play through the game. You can farm this by killing an enemy or enemies and restarting the checkpoint.

Thank you for using our guide! If you have any questions regarding this guide or would like to provide some tips feel free to contact me on Twitter @9Richard19, as well as in the comments below.



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