The Catch-Up: March 10th, 2014 – inFamous: Second Son Patch 1.01 Available on Day 1

Hopefully it’s only a few MBs.

General News

  • To go along with your 24GB install size or 24GB download size (depending if you buy retail or digital), Sucker Punch revealed that patch 1.01 for inFamous: Second Son will be available by the time the game launches on March 21st. It won’t include any major changes, but it will fix a “few last minute things that are happening now that people are starting to discover, that we’re just putting the finishing touches on.” [Via, Source]
  • Chris Owen, English Community Manager at PlayStation Europe, revealed that update 1.86 for PlayStation Home on March 12th will add Trophies! This will be a worldwide update, the trophy list will be detailed on Wednesday, and the Trophies will be retroactive. [Twitter 1, 2, 3, 4]
  • Although they are “specifically for professional archiving” and aren’t being considered for “household consumer use,” Sony has announced the Archival Disc, a sort of next-gen Blu-Ray disc. Available in Summer 2015, Archival Discs will be available in 300GB, then 500GB and 1TB versions will follow at a later date. Pretty cool! [Via, Source]
  • In what can only be described as an “Oh, snap!” moment, Sony’s Adam Boyes said this to Michael Pachter (relevant link), “Just watched #Pachattack and you keep referring to PlayStation Plus as $60 cost – it’s only $50 per year.” Pachter replied with, “Just making sure you were paying attention. I stand corrected, think I was merely my normal confused self ;-).” Have fun discussing this in the comments! [Twitter 1, 2]
  • Sometime soon, you’ll be able to rent Battlefield 4 servers on PS4 (and presumably other platforms). We’ll let you know once details and a release date are confirmed by DICE. [Via, Source]
  • Europe will be getting The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 2: A House Divided this Wednesday, March 12th. [Twitter]
  • If you were one of the many people who received an email from Square Enix saying that your Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Collector’s Edition was now back-ordered, “Please disregard the message. It was sent in error.” [Twitter]
  • A UK-only version of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, subtitled the Jackdaw Edition, will be released for the PS4 and Xbox One on March 28th. This bundle includes 7 DLC packs, including Freedom Cry. [Via, Press Release]
  • Due to today’s PSN maintenance, Guerrilla Games has decided to extend the Killzone: Shadow Fall free multiplayer week until Wednesday. [Twitter]
  • Remember the PS1 import version of Hyper Crazy Climber and how it was delayed shortly before launch in North America? Well, MonkeyPaw Games has said they “are still ironing it out and hope to have it in the stores soon.” [Source]
  • A “near-final build” of Sportsfriends will be at GDC. This means it’s close to being done! [Twitter]
  • We’ll be getting “a lot” of details regarding BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 2 soon. The DLC episode is out at the end of this month, so you won’t be waiting too long. [Twitter]
  • In a couple of fun tweets by Shuhei Yoshida, he revealed that he’s more of a dog person than a cat person, and the PS4 doesn’t take photos of you when playing PS4 in your underwear. [Twitter 1, 2]
  • Earthlock: Festival of Magic, a story-driven adventure RPG featuring classic turn based combat, has been approved for release on consoles. This means, provided it gets Kickstarted or funding from another source, the game will release in Q2 2015 for the PS4, Wii U, and Xbox One. [Check it Out on Kickstarter]
  • gamescom 2014 may not start until August 13th, but these companies are already confirmed to at least be in the hall: Aerosoft, ak tronic, astragon, Bethesda, CD Projekt red, Crytek, Deep Silver/Koch Media, Electronic Arts, Konami, Kalypso Media, Microsoft, Nintendo, rondomedia and Ubisoft. [Press Release]

New Videos

  • Here’s a new trailer for Hohokum, which is coming to the PS4, PS3, and PS Vita this year:

  • Possibly only coming to Europe, MotoGP 2014 will be released for the PS4, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox 360 and PC in June 2014:

How long do you think it will be until 1TB Blu-Ray discs hit the market?

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