Battlefield 4 Trophy Guide


Welcome to PlayStation LifeStyle’s trophy guide for Battlefield 4! There are only 43 trophies this time around they are all very easy. The chapter specific trophies can be obtained via ‘Replay Missions’ if you missed any while playing through the game. The campaign is very short and will only take a few hours to finish, and yes, that includes playing on Hard. You really should have no problems on Hard this time around. The missions are short, you’re never really outnumbered by a ridiculous margin, and there are more than enough checkpoints in each mission. The multiplayer trophies are straight forward and will unlock naturally as you play online.

Spoiler Alert: There are few minor spoilers within the guide. If you are avoiding spoilers, it’s recommended that you complete the game before reading any further.

Platinum Trophy

– Collect all Battlefield 4 trophies.

Follow this guide!

Storm bringer – Silver

– Obtain 20,000 points in the Singapore mission in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Dunn’s Pride‘ for more details on scoring points.

A one-man riot – Silver

– Obtain 11,000 points in the Shanghai mission in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Dunn’s Pride‘ for more details on scoring points.

Terror of the deep – Silver

-Obtain 11,000 points in South China Sea mission in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Dunn’s Pride‘ for more details on scoring points.

Gladiator – Silver

– Obtain 12,000 points in the Kunlun Mountains mission in the  Campaign

See the trophy ‘Dunn’s Pride‘ for more details on scoring points.

Above and beyond the call – Silver

– Complete all Assignments in the Campaign

The assignments are all point based. This trophy is linked to the other point based trophies in the game. When you complete all of the other point based trophies this trophy will pop up as well. See the trophy ‘Dunn’s Pride‘ for more details on scoring points.

Demolition man – Silver

– Obtain 15,000 points in the Tashgar mission in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Dunn’s Pride‘ for more details on scoring points.

Guardian of the fleet – Silver

– Obtain 6,000 points in the Suez mission in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Dunn’s Pride‘ for more details on scoring points.

Full arsenal – Gold

– Unlock all assignments and collectibles in the Campaign

You will need to have completed ‘Above and beyond the call‘ and found all of the collectibles. There are 28 and consist of dog tags and weapons. Dog tags are hanging from a knife stuck in a wall and the weapons can be found by themselves or picked up off of enemies you’ve killed. The game will save every time you pick up a collectible so if you die or quit the mission you will still have them. This trophy may be glitched, but in a good way! This trophy unlocked for me just after I picked up my 15th collectible.

Fish – Bronze

– Complete the Campaign on Easy

See the trophy ‘Tombstone‘ for more details.

Dunn’s pride – Silver

– Obtain 7,000 points in the Baku mission in the Campaign

For each Campaign mission there are 3 assignments that require you to score a certain amount of points. All of the points are earned by getting kills. These can be earned on any difficulty and you are awarded the same amounts of points across all difficulties. In order to obtain the scores you will have to string as many kills together as you can. The more kills you can get in a streak the higher the points total will be. These score related trophies are not that difficult and shouldn’t give you too much trouble. You can check how many points you have during a mission by pressing Start.

Braving the storm – Bronze

– Complete the Singapore mission in the Campaign

This trophy is story related

Wolves in sheep’s clothing – Bronze

– Complete the Shanghai mission in the Campaign

This trophy is story related

The fall of a Titan – Bronze

– Complete the South China Sea mission in the Campaign

This trophy is story related

Dead by dawn – Bronze

– Complete the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign

This trophy is story related

Guns at dawn – Bronze

– Complete the Suez mission in the Campaign

This trophy is story related

Fishing in Baku – Bronze

– Complete the Baku mission in the Campaign

This trophy is story related

Antediluvian – Bronze

– Complete the Tashgar mission in the Campaign

This trophy is story related

It was on the way… – Bronze

– Find 6 collectibles in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Full Arsenal‘ for more details.

Took a casual look around – Bronze

– Find 9 collectibles in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Full Arsenal‘ for more details.

Methodical search – Bronze

– Find 15 collectibles in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Full Arsenal‘ for more details.

Done some searching – Bronze

– Find 12 collectibles in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Full Arsenal‘ for more details.

No stone left unturned – Bronze

– Find 18 collectibles in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Full Arsenal‘ for more details.

Every nook and cranny –Bronze

– Find 21 collectibles in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Full Arsenal‘ for more details.

Stumbled over it – Bronze

– Find 3 collectibles in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Full Arsenal‘ for more details.

Wolf – Silver

– Complete the Campaign on Normal

See the trophy ‘Tombstone‘ for more details.

Tombstone – Silver

– Complete the Campaign on Hard

There are only 7 Campaign missions, they are short and have a lot of checkpoints to help you get through them. Stick to cover and replenish your ammo every time you get the chance. There’s not much else you can do but to go slow, stay behind cover and take advantage of your grenades and other explosives. Your teammates will kill some enemies but don’t rely on them to much as they will sometimes run right past an enemy or let enemies run behind them. One thing you do have to watch out for are grenandes. It seems as if the enemies were all trained how to throw by Tom Brady. They will throw a ton of grenades at you and they will always land right where you are standing no matter how far away you are or at what angle you’re at on hills. All of the other difficulty trophies will pop once you beat Battlefield on Hard.

Recon – Gold

– Find 28 collectibles in the Campaign

See the trophy ‘Full Arsenal‘ for more details.

Well placed – Bronze

– Get 10 kills with C4 in the Baku mission in the Campaign

You will run into your first gadget box about halfway through the first mission. Equip the C4 and try to throw it at groups of enemies as your C4 inventory is limited. If you’re playing on Easy, that will make it much easier to run at the enemies, drop C4, run away and blow it.

Wrecker – Bronze

– Get 10 multi-kills in the Shanghai mission in the Campaign

The easiest way to get multi-kills is to kill at least two enemies with a single explosive. Make sure to replenish your grenades each time you throw them. If there are no enemies close enough to each other for one grenade, you can also throw a grenade at an enemy and shoot another enemy just as the grenade explodes killing both enemies at once, but that is a little more tricky. You can keep track of how many multi-kills you have by pressing Start.

Blood wake – Bronze

– Get 30 headshots in the South China Sea mission in the Campaign

For this trophy make sure to take your time and pick your shots. Don’t shoot unless you are certain it will be a headshot. Setting your weapon to single fire will help with this trophy. Press Down on the D-Pad to switch fire rates on a your weapon. You can keep track of how many headshot you have by pressing Start.

War turtle – Bronze

– Get 15 kills with RPG in the Singapore mission in the Campaign

Equip the RPG from the gadget box. You can kill enemies on foot and or destroy the vehicles with an RPG to kill the passengers.

Infiltrator – Bronze

– Get 10 adrenaline kills in the Tashgar mission in the Campaign

Adrenaline kills are kills you get while very low on health. It’s easier to get one on one with an enemy, stand there and aim, let him damage you until the screen gets brown then kill him. Do this to 10 different enemies. You can keep track of how many adrenaline kills you have by pressing Start.

Shawshank – Bronze

– Get 5 kills with Shank in the Kunlun Mountains mission in the Campaign

After you break out of your cell, melee (by pressing R3) 5 different enemies and the trophy is yours.

For tombstone – Bronze

– Let the Valkyrie be destroyed in the Campaign

After the C4 has been planted and you’ve grappled up above the ship, simply set the controller down and wait. Hannah and Irish will argue about who goes down and after a few seconds the Valkyrie will be destroyed.

For the people – Bronze

– Sacrifice Irish to save the Valkyrie in the Campaign

This trophy is earned during the mission Suez. After the C4 has been planted and you’ve grappled up above the ship, press Circle to give the C4 to Irish when given the prompt.

For the cause – Bronze

– Sacrifice Hannah to save the Valkyrie in the Campaign

This trophy is earned during the mission Suez. After the C4 has been planted and you’ve grappled up above the ship, press Square to give the C4 to Hannah when given the prompt.

Patience is a virtue – Silver

– Experience all 3 endings in the Campaign

The 3 endings are based off who you decide to give the C4 to at the end of the mission Suez. You can replay the mission and choose another outcome instead of having to play the whole game over again. The endings can be done in any order and this trophy will pop after you’ve done all 3 different outcomes ( sacrifice Hannah, sacrifice Irish, let the Valkyrie be destroyed).

Turn around… – Bronze

– Perform 5 dog tag kills in Multiplayer

This can be done in any multiplayer mode and will come over time as you play toward getting to rank 25. A “dog tag kill” is just a melee kill. To melee an enemy, come up behind them and press R3.

Won them all – Bronze

– Win a round of each game mode

There are 7 different game modes that you need to be on the winning team. You will still get credit for the win if you join the match late.

  1. Conquest
  2. Team Deathmatch
  3. Obliteration
  4. Rush
  5. Squad Deathmatch
  6. Domination
  7. Defuse

.45 old school – Silver

– Perform 45 kills with the M1911 Handgun in Multiplayer

In order to unlock the M1911 you have to get 34,000 side arm points. Use side arms to get kills and assists to work your way to this weapon. Once unlocked get 45 kills with it.

Bomb squad – Silver

– Deliver 5 bombs in Obliteration

In the Obliteration game mode there will be a bomb placed randomly that both teams fight over. You will have to carry the bomb, plant it at one of the points and detonate it 5 times. This can be done across multiple games as there are only 3 targets for each team in a match.

Call me “Sir” – Gold

– Reach rank 25

This trophy will require a lot of online multiplayer time. It will come naturally by just playing the multiplayer. 25 is not that high and won’t take too long to accomplish. Also, don’t forget about your battlepacks, they bring XP boosts when opened.

Thank you for using our guide! If you have any questions regarding this guide or would like to provide some tips feel free to contact me on Twitter @9Richard19, as well as in the comments below.

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