Watch the PS4 Demo of Killzone: Shadow Fall on Jimmy Fallon – 16x PS3 Memory, DualShock 4 Speaker Used for KZ Radio Messages

Right after the game was shown on the Sony stage, we told you that PS4 launch exclusive Killzone: Shadow Fall would be on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. If you didn’t get a chance to watch it, here’s the footage:

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The level is the same as the one that we saw at the PlayStation Meeting, but it’s played live, which should dispel any fears you may have had that it was pre-rendered footage.

Highlights include Herman Hulst revealing that the PS4 does indeed have around 16x the memory of a PS3, confirming what a chip expert said yesterday, and the reveal that the DualShock 4’s little speaker will be used for playing Killzone radio messages. Lowlights include the fact that Jimmy Fallon is a terrible gamer, Anthony Anderson has clearly never played a game before and the fact that they cut away just as the game really gets beautiful.

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